Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You Go Califnornia

You just can't make it up. How do you people elect these morons?

I guess a better question is how do you people in California not connect this to your double digit unemployment rate and general economic decay?


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Well, clearly the solution to double-digit unemployment is needing to hire TWO babysitters to go out to a movie. It'll work every bit as well as the stimulus!

  2. I just wonder who actually proposed this bill, and what "problem" were they trying to solve.

  3. Ping Jockey10:02 AM

    "I guess a better question is how do you people in California not connect this to your double digit unemployment rate and general economic decay?"

    Sheep are for fleecing -- they are never taught to think, and are taught to never think.

  4. This could be a good thing.

    Since California apparently wants to ban babysitting, then 2 things will happen.

    1- Families will just stop having kids and California will go into a major population decline, thus weakening Liberalism overall


    2- Families in Cali will return to a single-income families and mothers will return to the home, which may overtime lead to more conservatives in Cali.

  5. There's been talk about having a revolution. Problem is even if we seize these morons try and execute them Californians will just elect another group of morons just like these. California needs a need people.

  6. Trust me, every person with a head on their shoulders here in CA (yes, we do exist) is equally embarrassed by this.

    I think some on the other side of the fence are waking up to the idea that elections do have consequences.. at least, one can hope. 2012 should be interesting.

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I say we give this pathetic excuse for a state to Mexico!!
