Thursday, September 01, 2011

Why The Whole Jobs Speech/Republican Debate/NFL Thing is Moot

I've never seen such hubbub about something so irrelevant. And to be intellectually honest, I don't even know why Drudge covered it so.

Do you people really think President Zero is going to say anything relevant or tangible in his "speech" no matter when its held?

Last I recall you all wanted jobs.

That would require action.

He's merely speaking for the 947th time "about" jobs and not doing a damn thing about them.

Ergo, why is anybody complaining when the "president" speaks?

Because the simple question is;

"Why would anybody be listening to him in the first place?"

Does it matter when he "speaks?"

I mean, why not watch the pre-game show or the Republican debate. Go watch Castle or a DVD. It won't matter because your messiah isn't going to do anything tangible, he's merely going to speak.

Let me know when he "does" or "takes action" or "makes a decision." Not just blather on about jobs.

God you idiots that elected him. I still sit here and wonder how you thought this spoiled brat preppy moron would be better than GW, let alone McCain.

Remember that guy? The one who was a Vietnam vet and work his way through life?

No, of course not. He wasn't "hip" or "cool." heck, he didn't have pecks. Besides, the media told you not to like him, so what were you to do? Be independent like you claimed to be and have independent thought? No, you just swoon at pecks.

Thank god I have the unquestionable ignorance of the American people to rely upon when making my dollar shorts on the currency markets.

You incomprehensibly stupid, ignorant morons.


  1. I-RIGHT-I4:44 AM

    "Do you people really think President Zero is going to say anything relevant or tangible in his "speech" no matter when its held?"

    No. Who are you talking to anyway? Damn Yankee.

  2. sth_txs6:25 AM

    McCain would have been just as useless but at least he would not be in your face about looting you.

    McCain is anti gun and pro high tax so I have no respect for him either.

    His veteran status means nothing to me given his poor voting record in regards to liberty. I'm not ashamed to say that I regard him as human garbage just like BO.

    There was this 'loon' named Ron Paul that I liked, but Americans are to stupid to understand him.

  3. Well, I am planning on watching it.

    Have the drinking bingo score card ready. It is one sip of beer for every time he mentions the word jobs, one shot of Peachtree for every time he mutters the word infrastructure, and a shot of Rumplemintze for every time he says the granddaddy of all job related lies, green jobs.

    Should be drunk incoherent by the end of the first sentence.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I'd rather have a 4 penny nail pounded through my left testicle than watch this idiot utter a single word!

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    The issue isn't that 0 is just givign another worthless speech. It's that he's doing so, in flagrant defiance of the democratic process, at a time calculated to take his two strongest rivals out of a debate.

  6. I-RIGHT-I3:34 PM

    "There was this 'loon' named Ron Paul that I liked, but Americans are to stupid to understand him."

    We love Ron down here but he is a loon in many respects. I'd like to see him have a real job under...Perry? AG maybe, a lot of these ratbastards would finally go to prison. Or maybe Head of State Dept., he'd fire every commiemofo he could get his hands on. He wouldn't/couldn't do shit as President without somebody big backing him and he doesn't have that.

    Obama drinking game? One light beer every time he says "I" and it will be lights out in the first ten minutes. Then you'll miss the game.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I have no intention of watching another pack of lies and more blaming Bush and not being accountable for his actions.

    Promises, promises...

    Regime change - January 20, 2013
