Monday, October 03, 2011

Man from UNCLE

So I'm watching the Man from UNCLE Series which is phenomenal. Not just a good plot with lots of action set in the cold war, but HOT chicks carrying guns at UNCLE headquarters.

However, since it is from 1963 I believe you see a TON of young actors before they became big. This clip as Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and Colonel Klink all together within 2 minutes of each other.


  1. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Another classic series you would enjoy is "The Rat Patrol". A classic 1960's tv show of a WWII desert patrol driving around in their army jeeps blowing up Nazi's. The rag-tag bunch is called the Rat Patrol and the Nazi's fear them.

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Don't forget the Classic TV Show "Bah Bah Blacksheep" about the Blacksheep fighter squadron in the south pacific shooting down the Jap zeroes!
    All time great TV Show!
