Monday, October 31, 2011

Men Are Intimidated By "X"

Dalrock once again reminded me with his post that in addition to my daily duties of Swinging Bachelorhood I have to occasionally dispense wisdom to you guys. Otherwise lord knows you would all be jumping out of tree and running into bushes. And we wouldn't want that would we?

He invokes The Word of Grerp, who should write a book (it could be like the bible! - "In Grerp's second letter to the Corinthians - "Be not a cumbersome annoyance to your husband, for he hath too much on his plate to deal witheth") which then prodded me off my lazy butt to address something I've been meaning to for a while. And that is:

"Men are intimidated by X"

"X" being one of three things that I can think of:

1. A woman taller than him
2. A "strong" woman
3. A woman that makes more money than him.

And I am here to put the kibosh on all three.

Not that men are intimidated by these factors and I somehow wish to "hide" this fact in a propagandist move. I am here to put the kibosh on it because all three are false. And nothing puts the kibosh on something better than the truth (just look at socialism, feminism, worthless degrees and the other tenets of leftism).

Here's the skinny in order of the three:

1. I don't know one guy, personally, who has said, "Oh no! Not a a TALLER woman! GASP oh GASP! You mean her legs will be LONGER THAN AVERAGE!? Horrors of horrors. How will I ever survive?"

Now, admittedly I do know of TWO GUYS in the THOUSANDS I have met in my life that did not like their woman being taller than them. This then triggered a banning of those girls wearing high heels.

But frankly, not only are these guys the minority, they are MORONS!

For the most part ladies, men care NOWHERE NEAR as much about the height of a woman as much as women care about the height of a man. Matter of fact, I think almost 40% of the women I've dated have been taller than me because frankly I want to be "that guy."

You know "that guy?" That short SOB who walks into the club with a tall drink of water that you can't get? The guy who everybody is thinking, "how the HELL did HE get HER!?"

Yeah! I'm THAT guy! It's great!

So ladies, if you think men are intimidated by taller women, eh. a REAAALLY small percent are. But otherwise, I'm sorry, if you're taller, you're just going to have to stoop to our level.

2. No, we are not intimidated by strong women. We are attracted to strong women. Women who work for a living, who support themselves. The problem is "strong" is confused in today's Moxie world with "loud, arrogant or obnoxious." Most of the girls I have dated who were truly strong simply demonstrated their strength. They didn't wave their finger, give me the hand, bark orders nor tell me every 10 minutes how strong and independent they were.

To put it in contrast in my 20's I would occasionally cross paths with a HOT young lawyer who was working at a firm a friend of mine also worked at. When invited out to various happy hours, I would have a drink or two, socialize and try to get to know this girl. It was like trying to warm up to liquid hydrogen. Every ounce of body language said, "don't you dare talk to me." She never smiled. She never would even say, "hello." The only way I would get any kind of conversation out of this girl was indirectly through group conversation. And ALL she talked about was making junior partner and how hard she worked and how nothing was going to get in her way.

Fast forward 8 years later, and I run into her at the local salsa club. This woman is now WAAAAY into her 30's. Still has that pissed off look on her face, still dressed in clothes that screamed, "I'm a super powerful woman and by god you better do what I say," and wow, is that yet ANOTHER aging 30 something woman without a ring on her finger? I didn't even bother to try to talk to her because I doubt she would have remembered me, but she sat at the bar

all alone

by herself


and not one man asked her to dance (and this was a scene where very few men are loth to approach a woman).

However, this was not because she was a "strong woman" and she "intimidated people."

It's quite simply you could tell she wouldn't be enjoyable company.

First, what guy wants to dance with a woman who isn't smiling?

Second, if you get good enough at dancing, you get kind of picky with the women you choose to dance with. I prefer women that follow. Not those that fight and can't grasp the concept of the MANDATORY lead-follow dynamics of dancing.

Third, inevitably, yes, men will want to test the waters to see if there's some dating potential. Sadly "strong" has been corrupted to mean "difficult" and "obstinate."

I'll take a strong woman, not a poser who thinks she's strong.

3. You Captain is largely poor. This is a confluence of factors including (admittedly) his impatient attitude, his inability to tolerate politics and BS, a crappy economy and largely a dying work ethic that is being replaced with enjoying the decline and the evil forces of HR that are always conspiring against us like The League of Doom. So naturally the LAST thing I would want is a woman that makes a lot of money. I mean, that's what EVERY guy is afraid of! A woman with LOT'S of MONEY! I wake up late at night, soaked in sweat because of the nightmares I have of some woman showering me with $100 bills and buying me nice things. It's horrible, I've had to go talk to a therapist several times to get my mind right. I mean, if you want to scare a man away, if you want him to run for the hills, or if you're just looking for a crafty way to dump him, don't tell him you're secretly married.


Don't tell him you have children.


Tell him you have LOT'S OF MONEY!

That'll send him packing!

Sadly ladies, this is just another example of people in the media, politics and education circles telling you what you want to hear and not the truth.

Thus behooving the question;

What is more important, your short term feelings (in which case you can tell me how evil I am and how you know this ONE girl who isn't like that, etc.), or your long term happiness (in which case you may forward this link to as many people you want)?

I'm indifferent which one you choose, because there's only one truth. I'm merely entertained by how much of a fight people put up against the truth because their feelings are so fragile.

Enjoy the decline!


  1. Ping Jockey6:29 PM

    Just like Count Dracula in the old movies, these "men are intimidated by ... (fill in blank)" myths refuse to die and keep coming back again and again, no matter how many times they are exposed to the shining light of the cleansing sun of Truth.

    Somehow, they manage to return to the dark, dank olde cavern of feminism -- to be resurrected, given new life, and return yet once more when the Forces of the Feminist MSM Darkness become desperate.

  2. Don't worry Ping, the sun will rise again. Whether they want to believe it or not. It will rise.

  3. Tall women intimidate men? Damn, is that why they tend to give me erections?

    Cause, at about 33 I learned at 5'9" it's all about dating six foot women.

  4. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Regarding Item #1:

    If you look at dating sites, it's always the women who want taller men. Men generally don't give a damn about a woman's height.

    Regarding Item #2:

    You aren't strong if you have to play games to look strong or be strong. Strong people are simply themselves.

    Anyone else is a pretender and a person you would want to stay away from because they come across as arrogant, rude, bitchy, prickly and unkind.

    Regarding Item #3

    There may be some men that are intimidated by women that make more money than they do, but I've never met one.

    I agree wholeheartedly with your debunking.

    Furthermore, besides men not being intimidated by these things, I'm not sure they give a damn about any of them.

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Well, Captain in fairness, women with lots of cash flow compared to their guy seem to have more problems with it than guys.

    As a guy I know I'd have some concern that SHE would have an issue with it.

    In the cases I know of women seem to resent "supporting the guy" WAAAY of out proportion , and seemed enjoy making an issue of it. I think they feel like they somehow "married down" and could do better, which leads to poor long term prognosis.

  6. I can't imagine writing 2 letters, Captain! I do not have the patience of St. Paul. If I'm risking being stoned, beheaded, hanged, or crucified happy side down, they better be listening the first time. :)

    Many thanks for the linkage and the encouragement. I talked to my husband today about the possibility of a book.

  7. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Men are not intimidated by tall women, but they do on occasion decide not to approach tall women, on the basis that the number of women who don't sneer derisively (in attitude if not actual fact) at men who are shorter than they are is so small so as to make the effort pointless.

  8. It's the way the left 'debates'.

    Any problems with the gay agenda? You're a homophobe! Disagree with the black race whore playing the victim card? You're a racist. Disagree with the stinking, greasy hippies occupying Wall Street? You're a 'hater'!

    So what if I don't like taller women? I prefer red heads to brunettes, I appreciate the lady that is skilled in the womanly arts like cooking, housekeeping and raising children, and I have no interest in the flat chested angry women with bad haircuts and ugly shoes.

    If I am an emotional train wreck...I feel oddly good about it!

  9. 1. I've never actually met a woman taller than me, so I can't speak on the question for sure. But if I could get past the whole "genetic freak" thing, I'd probably be turned on. And as I visualize the geometry in my head, it does seem like a taller woman would be less troublesome in that regard than a much shorter one.

    2. There is a near-perfect inverse corrolation between how strong you actually are and how much time you spend talking about how strong you are. Men aren't turned off by strong women...we're turned off by women who imagine that they're strong because they haven't the first fracking clue what strength really is, and then get bitchy when we don't fall at their feet. Women who actually are strong (and I've known plenty, and been madly in love with some of them) don't do that. That's not "strong", that's "bully", and men are expected to get over that phase before leaving grade school.

    3. I not only dated women with more money than me, I married one. But if your career is going to take a higher priority in our life than your relationship with me, I'm gone. Just like I'd expect you to leave me if I put my career ahead of you. Fair is fair.

  10. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I don't know . There's a lot of speculation here. I think the only way we can put it to rest is an empirical study. If you guys can scare up a statistically significant sample of tall, strong wealthy women, I'll date them all, then report back to you.

    PS. I prefer the kind with great big boobs and long hair. I figure that, in the interests of science, we should keep the test restricted to really good looking voluptuous women, of the sort who are the most likely to be intimidating. Y'know, to screen out statistical noise. I know it's a sacrifice, but I know it will be a sacrifice for me, but it's just one of the many things I'm willing to do with these women to advance science. No need to thank me, chaps.

  11. 100% correct and spot on. Could not agree more.

    Men are intimidated by women that have a large chip on their shoulder about careers, money, physical appearance, whatever. That is pretty much it. (well, I cannot speak for all men, but personally, I run into a woman that has some feminist agenda, I just leave. If that is intimidation, than it is.)

    Physical attraction is a very personal thing. Some guys will go for shorter women, some taller, some slim, some heftier, some prefer blonds, some redheads, and the list goes on. For every man intimidated by a tall woman, there are probably hundreds that are attracted, and thousands that never take that factor into account. Same for money, if her income is a factor in your attraction to her, well, so be it, but millions of men just DO NOT CARE.

    The only universal factor I see, is men losing attraction (quite rapidly as a general rule) to woman that have the chip on their shoulders. Enter the relationship as if it was a pissing contest, and guess who will lose. Nope, not the man.
