Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Steve Driehaus Another BA Idiot

Steve Driehaus, a congressman who just lost his congressional seat is suing his opponent for "loss of standard of living."

Well Steve, when you're so damn stupid to get a BA and then an MA in "Public Administration" you, just like every one else, is shouting out to the world;

"I don't want to work a real job. I want to have a cushy government job or political career and tell other people what to do AND have other people pay for it."

You know no calculus.

You know no computer programming.

You know no accounting.

You know nothing.

You are a worthless human that has nothing to offer society or this economy.

And you know it. That's what's funny. You know that you can't support yourself, you can't be a real man, and so you must resort to suing people to get the money you need to support yourself. You could take your efforts and learn a skill or a trade and create something useful that society wants, but no, you're going to be an OWS spoiled brat and bitch and whine and hold your breathe till your face turns blue.

A question I ask my readers:

Is the "worthless degree" starting to show itself for the genuine threat that it is? And not only the genuine threat that it is, but how it can be used as an identifier as to who is not trustworthy to be in government, let alone any other position in the US bar a waiter at MacDonald's?


  1. In one sense, no degree is worthless because it is a symbol of knowledge gained. However, if that knowledge has nothing to answer to other than somebody's opinion - ie English - then it has as much value as another's opinion. STEM-knowledge must be answerable to objective reality, not opinion. In other words, the physicist will explain to you the meaning and use of F = m*a whereas the English major can only write poetry about it. Is it worthless? Depends on who you ask....

  2. PKuster6:31 PM

    These degrees can certainly give a glimpse into the mindset of those who aquire them. Take what are referred to as "bitterness" studies. I think we can accurately figure these people out and what they'd be like if things weren't to go their way. Then there are those degrees in fluff that are of no use to anyone but sound good. There's too much air swirling around in their heads to make them dangerous, only annoying. Either way, they've been sold a bill of goods and they will be a nuisance when there'll be nothing in this world that they could positively contribute to with those "skills". The problem will arise when the rest of us have to "deal" with them and their sheer numbers look to make that task daunting.

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    This guy is a loser, in more ways than one.

    I love the commenter who wrote:

    "Steve Driehaus, is a fricken idiot and a poster child for what is all wrong with our country these days. Suck it up you dumb S.O.B. and live with the fact that your sorry ass was fired!"

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    And of course, I knew he was a Democrat before I clicked on the link.

    BTW, it appears he dropped his complaint.


    But he's stil an idiot.

  4. Hi Cap,

    Philosophy undergrad here. Shoot me! Oh wait, I already shot myself. What a dumb irresponsible twit I was (am) to have chosen a humanities degree . When I was a young anti-capitalist lefty I assumed I would remain a lifelong bachelor , but even under that scenario it was stupid.

    Europe/UK is probably more socialist than the US . I am actually getting this degree for free--- in other words: getting paid to study and party. I thought this was normal until I read your blog , which turned 'normal' into, lucky, privileged and brainwashed. More than half of the unversity population here is going to be broke, sans real life skills, and asking for government aid. The thousands of young women in feminist indoctrination departments such as Sociology and Psychology, they're probably even more deluded about their future and unfit (entitled) for marriage to boot. I know people who analyse art house cinema for their main degree.

    Thank you for hammering that out of my system, I'm spreading the word among my campus activist friends ;) However, there's nothing much we can do now except twiddle our thumbs and enjoy the decline. I was sold a lie, I ate the lie, I wanted to 'find myself and have fun'.

    Btw. I recently met a Maths graduate who is now an apprentice with his father doing carpentry . He 's going his own way (doesn't want to be a cubicle slave) , very religious , and wants to find a loyal Christian wife to marry. Not sure whether I should warn him about misandrist laws etc , but he's aware of the carousel and feminism ... The most Un-PC person I know IRL--- yet he's a bit of a conspiracy /apocalypse nutter.

    Anyway, thanks again for being a sane educator. ( that counts for the whole manosphere of course)
