Friday, October 07, 2011

Unemployed Unicorns

Once again, going to point out that until the housing market recovers, you can expect unemployment to stay high.

By the way, how's that 9.1% unemployment treating you democrat-voting youth?

Maybe you can go and "occupy" something. That'll turn the economy around!

On a related note "after receiving a masters degree in literature."


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The housing market won't recover until the banks get their act together

    And the banks won't recover till the zombie ones liquidate and stop gumming up the works. ( and people go to jail)

    And that wont happen until the fedgov decides to pull it's thumb out and DO it's job correctly. (And lots of people go to jail)

    And that'll happen when unicorns fly out my tightly clenched rear, but because our politicians are children, not adults, I'm not feeling very relaxed about this.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    One thing that bugs me about young people with college degrees who are unable to find a job is why they aren't volunteering with non-profits to build some job experience and perhaps a few practical skills.

  3. Thought you would enjoy this:

  4. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Catch 22. Housing market isn't going to recover until people have jobs.
    Suppose it is a matter of simply creating business confidence to get the chain reaction to start moving that direction.
    Wonder how one could create positive business confidence???

  5. How do you keep that head from falling off your shoulders what with that giant brain of yours?

    Thanks for all the information you've provided.

    I can see that during recessions, housing starts dropped while unemployment increased. If I understand housing starts, which I don't, wouldn't high unemployment result in low housing starts and not the other way around? Jobless folks don't have much money for purchasing or leasing real estate.

    Anyway, here's a link to show our liberal friends.
    Obama's failure by the numbers:
