Saturday, October 08, 2011

We Will Be the 99%

So Grerp sent me this.

I am now accepting your own "99%" photos and we shall post them here. Make sure they are as ludicrous as the real ones...which will be hard.

You can send them to CAPTcapitalism (at) yahoo dot com


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    The university which cost $150K for a minority women's studies degree which is worth virtually nothing in the workplace should be charged with grand theft by swindle. That is just wrong and evil to take advantage of someone that stupid.

    But gee whiz, this guy sure made a hell of a mess of his life - having to pay child support for two kids. Too bad, don't be a sperm donor next time. BTW, I'm assuming this moron is a man because he's paying the child support, besides that hand appears to be a man's.

    But what takes the cake is the new car payment.

    Hello!!! Reality check time.

  2. Was that photo serious or a joke?

  3. THAT one was the most ludicrous of the bunch. Why wouldn't corporations higher a perpetual whiner/complainer to work for them?
    The child support payments just make it even more so.
    Which makes me question its legitimacy. I think it is just possible that someone put it up there as a joke.

  4. A lot of these pictures reference large student loan debts and/or unspecified 'degrees'.

    Can't help but wonder what their major was...

  5. Sonny Ortega8:21 AM

    You know what? These people deserve it. They're socialists, they vote socialist and they embrace the ideas of socialism. They brought this on themselves.

    The list of Occupy Wall St. demands should look something like this:
    #1 End the DOE and all education regulation (no more unicorns)
    #2 End the FED and reinstall the Gold Standard (no more depressions)
    #3 Abolish labor law and government support of unions
    #4 Abolish personal income tax & social security
    #5 Abolish corporate tax
    #6 Completely deregulate health care & pharmaceutical industry (and while we're at it, why not deregulate all industries?)
    #7 Abolish patent law (to radically decrease the price of meds, but also boost research in general)
    #8 Abolish zoning laws and construction permits (to decrease the price of housing)
    #9 Completely deregulate the financial sector
    #10 Take the burden of forms, regulations and administrative tasks off of enterpreneurs. No more need for armies of lawyers; just start a business, employ people, go.

    Until then, I feel no pity for the people involved or embracing this movement.

  6. FSK,

    I actually think it is a spoof or a joke.

    If it isn't, then the left LITERALLY has a psychological problem. And I'm not saying that to be inciting or controversial. They are delusional to the point it is a pscyhological problem.

    Regardless, my idea to start spoofin these idiots would be the perfect "counter" to their pathetic protest (all of 4,000 people protesting out of 300 million people claiming to be 99%)

  7. I would actually like to see some "I am the 1%" photos.

    Like "I am the 1%. I got a degree in engineering. I worked hard to learn the job my employer was paying me to do. I chose to purchase a nice used car that did not have high payments. I put a minimum of 10% of my take home pay into a savings account. I purchase a modest home I could afford that mortgage and taxes on (and still put 10% away.) I choose to drink water from the tap instead of from a bottle at $1.50 a liter. I am still using a 4 year old cell phone. I cook at home, and brown bag my lunch. (and so on.)

    And, I do not know why I should be forced to give the fruits of my smart decisions away to people that are angry because they have to pay their own bills."

    As humorous as the 99%ers are, I would much rather see some real life ways to avoid being a 99%er.

  8. Jocelyn11:08 PM

    CBMTTek--There is a photo of signs in the windows of the Chicago Board of Trade that proudly announces "We are the 1%." Made me chuckle.

    There are people who are posting their photos on a website entitled "We are the 53%." The 53% who don't piss and moan because they are too busy working hard, paying taxes and being responsible adults.

  9. Scott6:00 AM

    Here, let me give this thing a try:

    I never went to college, so I have no student loans. I took advantage of a job training program at my high school, and have been doing that job extremely well since 1983. I am currently earning the most money I have ever earned, because I decided to take my destiny into my own hands. I have child support payments because of the choices I made in my life. I have two car payments and a house payment that I can afford. I don't expect my employer to give a damn about my personal life; I only expect payment for the services that I offer on the terms that he and I agreed to prior to my starting.

    I am the 99% (Sorry no pics; barely had enough free time to do this much...)

    Am I doing this correctly?

  10. Anonymous2:22 PM

    CBMTTek - let me try.

    I didn't have the money for a college education and didn't want to go into debt to get one. So I taught myself computer programming using books my friend gave me from his college CS classes after he was finished with them. I wrote shareware applications to make money and build my resume. I started working full time and worked hard to learn the technologies my employer was paying me to use. I was often in charge of people who had their degrees and solved problems they could not. I do eat out sometimes and my cell phone is 2 years old, not 4. But my car was purchased used and paid off. I have no credit card debt.

    Where am I today? I've never owned a home because I've never had the means to even consider such a purchase. Over the past 11 years I've had to jump from job to job as entire IT departments were outsourced to India and China with the explicit approval of Congress. My wages and living standards have slowly but surely gone down, not up, despite my growing skill set. At the moment I'm on contract and have no benefits what so ever. That job is likely coming to an end in the next month or so as the company is dying in this economy. While I have some savings, it could be eaten up in an instant by a medical emergency or a problem with my car. I have no ability what so ever to buy another car or obtain health insurance. Being 'self employed' under this contract I am hammered by self employment taxes (Social Security). This eats up the bulk of what I earn that is above and beyond what I need to survive each week.

    I look back on all my hard work and realize that my life is not substantially different from the lives of people I knew who wasted their time, partied hard, slept around, drank and did drugs, got terrible grades, and worked unskilled jobs. I have zero ability to form a family and am rapidly approaching the age where that will never be an option any way. I suffer from depression because every day I wake up and think "Is this it?" I'm sick of job stress, of making lower middle class wages, of not having a life thanks to overtime which is under paid or not paid at all, and of worrying about the future.

    My friends in the industry with degrees? They consider me the lucky one. If they're working at all, they're working waiter, bartending, or retail jobs.

    If I make one mistake I lose everything. The banks make mistake after mistake and intentially commit fraud and get bailed out. Colleges coerce students into making mistakes, taking on massive debt for worthless degrees, every single day and they get government hand outs. Politicians make mistakes costing hundreds of millions and billions of dollars (Solyndra) and they don't even get a slap on the wrist.

    So which side am I on? The 1%? Doesn't seem that way. The 99%? A lot of those people seem pretty stupid about how the world works. But those of us who are not are still being shred to pieces by the fraud and corruption in D.C. and on Wall St. So who should I stand with?

    I do not know why I should be forced to give the fruits of my smart decisions to bankers who don't want to suffer their own gambling losses. Nor do I know why I should be forced to watch my labor become worthless because my own government favors cheap immigrant and foreign labor over its own people. Why should I pay taxes and have a stake in this country if I get no benefits...scratch that...FEWER benefits than foreigners and illegals? An illegal can get free medical care. If I end up in an emergency room I will be hounded until I pay or die. I don't want socialized health care, but should I endure socialized health care for illegals and not citizens?

    Finally, I have no idea why I should be forced to give up my hard earned money to fund green scams or line the pocket books of political cronies.

    Real life way to avoid being a 99%er? Go ahead and show me the way. Please.

