Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What Would We Do Without the Harvard Business Review

Honest to the Patron Saint's Name of Frick.

I have a buddy whose brother went to Harvard to get his MBA. This is the same guy who said that he didn't learn a damn thing, but knew full well he was going there for connections. Providing further evidence that the Ivy League has essentially jumped the shark and no longer produces innovators or industrialists or entreprenuers, but instead has just become a rent-seekers club, he sent me this.

You just have to be kidding me.


Oh, DON'T make decisions that waste time?!

Oh, I'm sorry, I went to the Carlson School of Management where they told us to make decisions that DID waste time. But then again, that's why Harvard is so much better than your average Big 10 University.

You see kids, this is one of those important differences that will set you apart from the rest of the morons when you go to a Yale or a Harvard and not one of those braindead "public" universities. You get pearls of wisdom like;

"Don't make decisions that waste time."

You aren't going to get that at the U of Florida or Penn State.

No, you have to go to the Ivy League to get that wisdom.

Does ANYBODY in the non-corrupted private sector hire these morons any more? And if so, why????


  1. What next? "Hawaiian Shirt Friday"?

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Cappy, the reason you encounter so much kookiness with the chicks is that you only got after the super hot ones. See, guys will tolerate any amount of insanity from these chicks precisely because they are so hot, and thus, nobody ever (metaphorically speaking) smacks them back into reality. Flying off the rails becomes second nature to them. You're welcome.

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "Demand evidence. Whenever anyone makes a compelling claim, ask for supporting data. Don't take someone's word for it."

    Oh, if only Harvard held Democratic politicians to that same standard ...

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Here's some more HBS advice:

    Don't do bad things, only do good things.

    Buy low, sell high.

    (You now owe me $120,000 in consulting fees for the benefit of my wisdom.)

  5. Anon 231;

    AH HA!!!! But I did NOT go after only the super hot ones!

    If you know your game and you only have so much time, you know to chase after 7's or 8's that can dress up. Not the A game girls,but the B game girls.

    And even THEY were bat-bleep insane!

  6. "Does ANYBODY in the non-corrupted private sector hire these morons any more? And if so, why???"


    Welcome to your next generation of government bureaucrats...Universe help us all.

  7. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Gee guy, got an MS in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from Penn State, got accepted to Harvard's MBA program. Fortunately, knew how to calculate compound interest, had a cold beer and said no - best decision ever.

  8. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Isn't it interesting that as our universities grow more dominated by leftwing thinking, they become more credentialist, more expensive and less competent.

  9. And, in today's tip of the day:

    "Don't fall down the stairs."

    Now I know where the pointy haired boss came from. Harvard.

  10. Carlos E12:43 PM

    Well there is a chart that might explain a lot:

  11. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Frankly based on the Ivy League MBA's I've worked with, I think the overhead prpojector must've been misalinged and the "Don't" in "Don't make decisions that waste time" was off-screen and they didn't see it.
