Monday, November 21, 2011

A PSA - Education Does Not = Attractive

Dear ladies, this is a real, genuine public service announcement.

It is meant to help you. Which means it's based in the truth and reality.

Which consequently means you're not going to like it.

But, if you can set aside your emotions, and think about it intellectually and honestly, you'll see I am REALLY trying to help you and it WILL help your future.


I have this fake profile up on one of the dating sites. According to my BS profile I'm a tall, rich, millionaire and put my age at 38. I have it there simply to provide entertainment for myself and to enjoy the decline. But today I received enough "flirtations" or "winks" from women with profiles that all have a common trait. And this trait shows me they have been misled about the realities of male sexuality and attraction. Therefore:

Ladies of the 30+ generations.


We do not find your masters degree in "worthless fluffy crap" attractive nor an asset.

Matter of fact, we find it unattractive and a liability.


You have been lied to. No man really finds your education attractive unless it is in a real field requiring math, calculus and inevitably some sort of private sector employment whereby you are actually demanded in the field and not some make-work-wanna-be-make-believe-were-all-independent-adults-even-though-we're-fleecing-the-taxpayer-to-essentially-create-a-career/job-that-would-never-be-demanded-in-the-first-place-because-it-ultimately-produces-nothing-of-value-for-society-and-was-only-created-to-give-people-the-fake-feeling-of-self-reliance-and-independence type job.

I know you've been told by many other women that men find education attractive. But for once, will you please listen to (oh, I don't know) MEN about what they find attractive????

I know that's a foreign concept, asking the opposite sex as to what they find attractive, because OBVIOUSLY they should have no say. Right? I mean attraction is defined by the SAME SEX, right? So why listen to those stupid men and what they find attractive? No, just listen to what aging, bitter members of the same gender TELL YOU what SHOULD BE attractive and ignore what the opposite sex thinks. Because OBVIOUSLY what is sexually attractive should be determined by the same sex, not the opposite.

Anyway, sorry to say...

Education does NOT equal attraction. The reason why is that no longer, especially in fields women choose to disproportionately pursue, does education equal GENUINE intelligence or GENUINE intellectual intrigue. This means all of you with your "masters in...

social work
social justice
or whatever worthless liberal art field you chose because it didn't involve academic rigor

are not real subjects. They are not interesting. And above all else, they are not intelligent. They are little fancy make-believe hobby degrees you chose to major in because it avoided any real academic rigor or math and you deep down inside were hoping to land some cushy government/non-profit/puppies 'n unicorns type job.

So please STOP LISTING IT AS AN ASSET on your profiles.

Stop complaining on the internet that,

"Well, I'm educated, and I have masters in psychology, and a masters in social work, and I am a member of Amnesty International, why don't men find me attractive those bastards!!!!?"

The truth (and I know that pisses a lot of you off) is that men find REAL intelligence attractive. We find physical beauty attractive. We find kindness and caring and a healthy sex-drive attractive. We find heels, lingerie and pouty lips attractive.

We don't find your bleeping "Masters in English" attractive!!!!!

So quit listening to old, aging, bitter women about what men "should" find attractive and start listening to what men SAY THEY ARE ATTRACTED TO.

Because the last thing a man would be attracted to is that hot, naughty, in-shape, tomboy, motorcycle riding, IT chick who brings in $150,000 a year at her computer engineering job, but still likes to wear slinky lingerie while she serves you and her up a martini listening to Frank Sinatra.

Yeah, that would never beat the masters candidate in social work with her cats and long, drab skirt as she shops at the local organic market with her reusable bag.

Honest to the Patron Saint's Name of Frick, are people in this society that stupid that I have to write these posts?


  1. PeppermintPanda8:12 PM

    A hypothesis I have about many single men and women is that they're single because they try to become more attractive by focusing on things that they're looking for in a partner; and, being that people of the opposite sex are looking for substantially different things, they are not really getting the maximum results for their efforts.

    Basically, while few men would consider a good career or advanced education as a negative in a partner, few would rank these as being particularly important to them when selecting a partner. At the same time, while women do appreciate men who are fit, this is often one of the first things they will compromise on when selecting a partner. With this in mind, why are so many women seeking to become lawyers and so many men in the gym? The answer is that women are attracted to lawyers and men are attracted to fit wome

  2. Outstanding observation. Becuase (and though it doesn't make it true and is purely anecdotal) I remember getting the most tail when I was in the worst physical shape, and the least tail when i was able to bench press 180 pounds. Regarldess, "masters" in any humanities degree = morbidly obese chick in terms of attraction.

  3. Delven8:38 PM

    Not all social work is worthless. I work in the forensic mental health field and it was no cake walk.

  4. The problem with the mental health "disciplines" is that they're hardly scientific and the world got along just great without them. If there were actually fewer crazy people then they'd be worth the expense to our society. But there was a time before Prozac and Bad Behavior Excuse Syndrome and the world got along just fine.

  5. Ugh. I just went on a date with a 'social work' major a couple weeks back. The kinky sex did not justify the vapid conversation. I prefer the stupid girls who know they're stupid.

  6. You forgot the one that was always at the top of my reject pile: anything to do with environmentalism/ecology and won't someone please save the whales? Probably so important because you identify with them, eh?

    Nothing turned me off faster in a profile than when it screamed watermelon! Back to the Loch with you Nessie!


    Definitely related material here.

  8. Hi Captain,
    I believe I can add one more reason, that you don`t like women that study The Arts, English, and Feminism. Most of these types, male and female, tend to be supporters of Socialism. Typically, if you are a believer in the Free Enterprise System, you would tend to dislike socialists.

  9. Ladies, please ignore the Captain's advice and post your worthless fluffy degrees for all potential suitors to see. Do also quote the balance of your student loan debt, so we know how much we'll have to pay when you decide to stay home with the kids.

  10. Anonymous7:26 PM

    What are you talking about?

    I'm an engineer and I WANT a woman who is smart and beautiful, but doesn't have the type of degree I do.
    It's great knowing that they need you for something.

  11. I have to go with Dave on this one, Captain. Better to have the warning labels prominently displayed.

  12. Twenty6:51 PM

    I prefer the stupid girls who know they're stupid.

    Deep truth here. The biggest problem in the world isn't stupid people -- it's people who think they're smarter than they are. A smart person who thinks he's a genius is 10x more dangerous (and more tiresome) than a stupid person who knows his limitations.

  13. Captain, I'm here via SayUncle. This was outstanding, although for a moment I thought I'd stumbled across Roissy's other blog. ;-)

    And Twenty wins the Internets with his comment. PeppermintPanda, too.

  14. One thing, but regarding women in the "drab skirt," well I actually like women who dress conservatively, but elegantly, and long skirts I think are a conservative, but elegant way of dressing. I do not like women wearing pants as much and I do not like women who wear extremely short skirts or short shorts because that is just "putting it out there" and is so much the norm now, that it almost is rebellious to see a woman who dresses with say a nice long skirt.

    I adhere to wanting "a lady in the living room, but a whore in bed" type of woman. Oh, she can wear sexy lingerie when we are in private, and shorts here and there perhaps when out in public, but I prefer her to dress in a classy, elegant manner when in public.

  15. Agreed, but I'm talking the middle aged woman with cats wearing the gray, crumpled up skit with flat heels shoes. Not a traditional women wearing a nice flowing skirt who still makes an attempt to look pretty.
