Monday, November 07, 2011

I'll Roll the Dice

Unemployed single mom.

No, she wouldn't be shaking him down or being paid under the table for this.

But before I go full out and call her a liar, I want to know what this lady studied or did as a profession.

Something tells me it ain't petroleum engineering.

And I really am sorry ladies for all of you who were legitimately harassed or abused. I really am. But unfortunately there's just too much crying wolf. That is the drawback of abusing the system to shake people down. The real victims pay the price.

Post- post - something just dawned on me. If this was Bill Clinton, we'd all be cheering for him, right? I mean then it would be cool because he's a saxophone playing democrat.


  1. Eric B5:54 PM

    As soon as I heard Gloria Allred was her lawyer, her credibility dropped a couple notches in my book. However, this is woman number four.

  2. What's crap is if it is a lie she won't have any repercussions. Ruin sometimes life with no worries it might affect you!

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Been trolling libs all day, "you're gonna take the word of a blonde blue eyed WHITE woman over a black man? Ohh...."

  4. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I'm skeptical, particularly because she's being handled by Allred, who is a far left-wing Democrat who has pulled this crap before.

    And you're right... there are too many cases where sexual harassment or abuse wasn't there except only in their eyes. I know a guy who was falsely accused of sexual touching in the workplace - allegedly he touched a female's leg while sitting in a cramped auditorium.

    He was damn near fired and was retained only after he had an air-tight alibi - was in another meeting with 20 people at the time of the alleged touching.

    I've had a situation where I came around a corner fast in one direction and a woman came around the same corner in the opposite direction and we collided. Had I not held onto her she would have been knocked to her feet. Yet, that's the kind of thing where sexual harassment could have been falsely alleged.

    And you're right, with all the accusations of abuse that isn't, the real victims pay the price.

    Last, when harassment or abuse is defined as when a woman thinks it is. men have no chance to defend themselves because the standard is arbitrary.

  5. She's from Chicago, she owes David Axelrod $3500 bucks. Follow the money.....

  6. I will roll the dice also and bet a bottle of Rumpie that a blogger / citizen journalist will dig up the truth on this and thoroughly embarrass the MSM.

  7. They're laughing at you Capt. They laughed when they made people support Bush. They laughed when they made people support Obama. Now they're laughing at people who support Cain.

    Soon they'll be laughing at how they got people to choose between two well trained chimps.

    On the plus side, they won't need to put a bullet in the head of a good man like Ron Paul.

  8. What is the definition of sexual harassment anyways? She wasn't working for the NRA at the time, she didn't report to Cain, she was asking for a favor from Cain, so maybe he was doing a Quid Pro Quo, I'll help you get a job, you help me ......

    Sorry, a sexual proposition is not sexual harassment. If it were, there would be no babies...

  9. Sedulous6:58 AM

    "If this was Bill Clinton, we'd all be cheering for him, right? I mean then it would be cool because he's a saxophone playing democrat."

    Not really. Ken Starr and the Repugs went after him with a vengeance.

  10. Correct, but democrats still loved the cigar toying president.

  11. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Is anybody else disturbed by the media's use of "NRA" in this story? Yes, it's technically correct, but I can't help but wonder if the media is using this chance to smear that other hate of the left,1` the National Rifle Association. It would be easy for somebody who didn't pay close attention to this story to think that when the media uses "NRA" they're talking about the gun rights organization.
