Friday, January 06, 2012

Eat Pray Love II

God, please, MAKE IT STOP!!!!

What's worse is not only is this simply a regurgitation of Eat Pray Love, there's a bleeping sequel.

The fact these books/movies are not only so popular, but simply a rehashing of the same damn story, once again makes me think I ought to just try to write a crappy romance novel that would make Rationalization Hamsters across the fruited plain salivate. An impossible-to-resist buffet of 30 something, empowered women, living in New York, with multiple suitors, but finding themselves, replete with masters degrees.

Perhaps that would be something to get Grerp off of her ass and write a book. It would be a race to see who could finish first. She could write a legitimate book, with real, sincere advice that would help women, while I would serve up the same old rationalization-hamster slop American women are seemingly addicted to, that would only serve to worsen their lives.

And we'll see which one sells more.


  1. I always wanted to write a trashy novel, with a smart woman and a real man. No point. Men don't buy romances and women would hate it.

  2. Women read romance novels for the same reason men look at porn. It's all just fantasy.

    That said, trashy romance novels are ridiculously fun to write.

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Harlequin Enterprises Ltd. "publishes approximately 120 new titles each month in 29 different languages in 107 international markets on six continents".

    So much for the idea that most females are smart.

  4. Thanks for the linkage, Cap. I know this is going to sound like a load of excuses, but we had 2 computers die at our house in December and then my backup USB stick died, so I've largely been trying to resurrect data and just get something that works to write on.

    But thanks for the encouragement. ;)

  5. Aynsley,

    Correct, but men never think they're going to end up with 5 nubile 18 year old nympho catholic girls.

  6. I've known a few men that were quite capable of sustaining that delusion.

  7. Izanpo3:57 AM

    The Captain would have none of her womanly sillyness. He gripped her arms in his manly calloused hands and thrust her body into his.

    With her golden tresses draping her face, Brandi half-heartedly protested, "What are you doing, Captain?! I have a deeply committed relationship with Brandon based upon respect and mutual understanding!" Her words may have said "no", but her gently tilted head and heaving bossom screamed "YES!".

  8. Heck, I'll just have you ghost write it!

    We'll it-

    "The Economist Affair"

  9. "The Economist Affair" Where supply and Demand never end...
