Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An AR-15 for Valentine's Day

"Glenn Reynolds linked to me

and all I got was this lousy AR 15."


  1. Mythic Cassandra1:43 PM

    All right!

    Man knows how to party.

    Congrats on the book sales, and my thanks to the Instapundit and Dr. Helen, too.

  2. ScottH2:04 PM

    Hahahaha! Behold the power of the Instalanche!

    Congratulations, Aaron - that grin is priceless. Now go murder some cans for us (and don't shoot your eye out, kid)!

  3. Izanpo2:29 PM

    Pretty damned sweet, man!
    Ahhh...the spoils of success.

  4. Great Job Aaron...nothing better than a dapper dan man holding an AR-15 with a shit-eating grin getting ready to ETD by hunting moronic liberals.

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Yeah, given a thumbs-up by Insty, I decided to take the plunge and buy Worthless. One of today's sales for ya...
    Bill K.

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Good for you

  7. Ostapuk Ivano6:26 PM

    Is that a ACOG scope? And if so do you have the back up sight attached as well? PS Welcome to the club

  8. Tis an ACOG, but I don't know what you mean by a back up scope?

    There are sites "carved" on the top of the scope so if the battery dies I can switch to manual.

  9. Thanks Bill! More importantly, get it into the hands of a young kid. THat's where we're going to do the most damage.

  10. Nice!

    Planning to grab a copy of Worthless. I just got picked up as an adjunct instructor by the local community college, going to be teaching a philosophy section this spring, possibly several quarters following that, too. It's another opportunity to do what I did the last time I was given the helm of intro Phil. courses: teach the useful, beneficial portions of the material, but warn my young, impressionable charges away from the siren song of the department lifers who needed to dash undergraduate futures on the rocks of the department in order to perpetuate their own bloated, over-blown careers. I'm thinking that including Worthless as recommended reading could be of great value to my students.

  11. Mythic Cassandra7:46 PM

    More love from Instapundit.

    AN AR-15 for Valentine’s Day.

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow.

  12. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I have to say that's the first time I've seen the Cap'n in a suit and tie.

    And the grin is priceless.

    That is sweet.

  13. Paul,

    Let me know if you need copies on the cheap. I can order some and get a discount. More important to help out the kids and get this into their hands than me make a killing.


  14. Cassandra,

    Heh, just saw my hits spike. unforutnately I already had two glasses of wine and Rumpie. Have to go beddie bye. Get to contribute to GDP tomorrow again.


  15. Ryan Fuller9:23 PM

    Score. Nice rifle, Cap. :)

  16. Happiness is a warm gun.

  17. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Good trigger discipline there, cap. Nice piece! Have fun with her.

  18. the permanent newbie3:57 AM

    Alternative caption:

    As the song goes, "The women go crazy for a sharp-dressed man!"

  19. Ehhhxcellent!

    Now outfit that bad boy with with a unique gas-piston upper and go make some hillbilly coleslaw.

  20. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Here's to you Cap! (and yes, bought & read the tome).
    Your efforts here have brought a great deal of enjoyment - keep up the great work!


  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    You need to do Bradley Cooper's poses for the A-Team with that and post them.

  22. Yup, back up sights (i.e. iron sights) are in place. Easier to see in the large version of the picture.

    Nice piece.

  23. I a Colt AR-15. It was a plasticky piece of junk. I swapped it for an AK-47.

  24. Senior Manchild7:34 AM

    spiffy dude
