Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's Called Capital Flight

I love it.

US courts wants to sue a Swiss bank because they won't willingly betray their clients and give the US government their money.

BUT (here's the kicker)

Oh, that's right! It's a SWISS bank, not a US bank! And so the bank simply didn't show up to court.

The pure hubris of the federal government thinking they can violate a country's sovereignty when it comes to getting other people's money.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Oh, and there was the trial of Conrad Black, in a Chicago court, which simply extended its jurisdiction to
    Toronto, Canada, so that it could get a conviction. All the while sponsoring the looting of his newspaper company.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    And the US gov't wanting Canadian banks to report Americans holding Cdn accounts in Canada.. which, apparently, the Cdn gov't is going along with.

    More reasons to get a Swiss account.

  3. The reason Switzerland developed a massive banking system, was to service wealthy people. These people feared the loss of their own wealth. Europe has experienced many wars and sovereign debt defaults, over the centuries.
    A current example would be Greece. Who in their right mind would keep their money in a Greek bank? But you better believe, a Greek businessman would trust a Swiss banker.
    Now take a look at the US. The Federal Reserve has devalued the dollar, in the range of 95% since the 1930s. The US government has huge debt problems, and the Fed has recently increased the money supply. I have to believe, a lot of wealthy Americans want to have some money in a safe Swiss bank. It is not about tax avoidance. It`s about trusting your own government, to manage the economy.
    Capital flight is always a problem, in corrupt badly run countries. People in America are starting to smell the coffee. These trillion dollar debts, are one day going to be a big problem.
