Saturday, February 04, 2012

My Long Lost Twin Brother

I found him in New York. Apparently, Diehipster has my hatred for faux wanna be's who live off of their parents or my mandatory largess via the government.

Actually, had to keep reading and came across this one. Damn he's good.


  1. That was great! It`s nice to know other people have the same feelings regarding; Greenpeace activists, hipsters, occupy people, and 30 year old university students.

    That Blog just made my day! The jar of organic rooftop honey was hilarious.

  2. I dunno, Cappy. A game of kickball now and then might be just the ticket...

  3. That man is good. Way good.

    And you have to fisk Mark Driscolls second post at Boundaryless

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Captain, you are this man

  5. As a lady who cans and has extra Mason jars in the kitchen, I thought the Cuppow was a neat idea.

    Of course, I wasn't going to pay $13 for one, which it took 5 minutes, my leatherman, and some clear nail polish to make my own.

  6. Anon,

    In my day I did chase down the occasional bad guy. But I was paid to do it ;) And I had a Schwinn, not a Suzuki. But, yes, I would hammer my Ninja 636 today and chase down the bad guy.

  7. Ansley,

    Which is why you should make a calendar of yourself canning in the kitchen and us men would gladly pay a pretty penny for it.

  8. Somehow, I doubt that, as canning involves wearing long sleeves to cut down on the burn scars, lots of sweat and even more curse words.

    And it's only a September-November activity for me, so I'd have to find filler material for the rest of the calendar...

  9. MikeM_inMD2:24 PM

    Do these fools really want to walk around with a hot coffee in a glass, handle-less jar? Glass is a poor thermal insulator. A canning jar full of hot coffee will be too hot to hold.

  10. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Sometimes I'm glad I found your blog for the content, others for finds such as this. Thank you.

    Mike James

  11. Damn, I been reading him for years. If i'd known you hate hipsters i'd have let you known...

  12. Does anybody like hipsters?

  13. I love hipsters. They're great when you need an example of failing at... well, anything.
