Monday, February 27, 2012

What a "Kroc"

You couldn't have named it better.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    As a Notre Dame alumnus, let me say the Peace Studies program plays a valuable roll. Specifically it allows you to effortlessly screen a hundred or so girls out of the girlfriend-material pool as soon as they tell you they're majoring in "Peace Studies."

  2. sisterbrat4:21 PM

    Did anyone else click the "meet the class" tab? Wow. Whole lotta peace going on there. Really.

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I wonder what Ray Kroc (the founder of McDonalds) would say about how his wealth being spent in for such things.

  4. it's stuff like this that has convinced me that before I die, I'm converting all of my money into cash and I'm burning it, Leave some money for some poor starving white males to send them to college (just to piss off the right people), maybe donate some money to NCPA, but otherwise people are too damn stupid and greedy to deserve it.

  5. Is Kroc at Notre Dame a bad thing because they teach bad ideas? I don't think that unproductive study should be encouraged but I would think that the useful study of peace would be a good idea if the education would be applied effectively. Would the opposite of peace studies be a better idea (the various US military War Colleges)?

  6. Peace doesn't need to be studied. What this is, is a real-world manifestation of Dennis Kucinich's idea of having a "Peace Department." Which is nothing more than an employment vehicle for people who don't want to work real jobs.

    You want subverting the enemy, overthrowing dictatorship, leave that to the US military and our spy agencies.

    This is nothing more than trying to professionlize "activism" and giving lazy spoiled suburban brats and excuse to go and "occupy" something. Or, even more brief, it's a bunch of washed up professors trying to make money on their worthless degrees by selling it to naive youth.

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Let's see - Lewis's Lexicon: "peace Process" , war;
    "Changing hearts and minds": shooting them in the heart or blowing their heads off.

    J. Lewis
