Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Used to Want to Attend the London School of Economics

And then I saw this.

YOu know what would be ironic. Is if I started a whole new study out of cloth (which seems academians do every week). We'd call it "Worthless Degrees Studies." It would be the study itself of worthless degrees and every middle and upper middle class SWPL could get their masters in it.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    That catalogue entry is a perfect example of a modern university practicing money extraction with absolutely no sense of shame.

    Yes, of course a course on "Worthless". "The analysis and valuation of online and classroom pedagogical materials" (a.k.a Bird 101). And you can force your students to purchase your text. I know it is available for $0.99 on Kindle, but you can bring out a new edition every year! That's what the pros do! Go with it!

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    My blood ran cold at the thought of "Worthless Degree Studies". You could do that.

    It might be worth your soul, by the time you excrete enough semantically null verbiage to confuse a university--you would run the risk of becoming that which you despise--but I am ready to believe anything, having had a look at some of what passes for serious fields of study at too many universities.

    But if it didn't consume you, and make you into a petty, turf-hoarding, dirty-word intellectual--how sweet would be the money, and the fake self-importance, and the twenty year old girls?

    The Dark Lord of Corruption called--he said to tell you he'll try to get in touch this evening about your cool idea.

    Mike James

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Seriously, you only need to write an exam and 2 2000-word essays for that course? I can bang out a couple thousand words in a few hours. Surely this isn't a whole semester's worth?

    I imagine it's because it's a silly course...

  4. Seriously, you only need to write an exam and 2 2000-word essays for that course? I can bang out a couple thousand words in a few hours. Surely this isn't a whole semester's worth?

    I imagine it's because it's a silly course...

  5. self-exiled Spaniard5:57 PM

    And to think I used to attend late evening Geology tutorials at the LSE...

    From the LSE website:

    "while also challenging western-centric views of the city"

    So, instead, we will be reviewing the grand urban concepts of the 'favelas' of Rio, the urban features of Lagos, Nigeria, slums outside Johannesburg, how the Chinese government flattens small villages and replaces them with concrete blocks, traditional African villages (which you can smell before you see) and how Ceaucescu of Romania demolished most of historic Bucharest (formerly known as the Paris of eastern Europe) to be replaced with 'functional' buildings (i.e. soviet concrete monstrosities).

    Gentlemen, the West as we knew it is lost, we can only hope that the rotten corpse rots quickly or, even better, burns quickly, so that we (those of us who care -and survive-) can start re-building from the ashes.

    I lived in the UK for many years, I was lucky I managed to savour some of what was good before it went; it is all preserved in museums now, only a matter of time before the Morlok degenerate children of the 'chattering classes' sacrifice (i.e. erase) their own heritage in the altar of multiculturalism.

    The average modern-day Brit is ashamed of being British, as educated as an Afghan cab driver, and as tough as a stick of butter in the midday sun. Britain has become rotten from the inside and it is not only the most PC and metrosexual country in the world, much of its society is busy exporting their rotten philosophies.

    Only their excellent Army remains, ill-equipped (another mosque in Tower Hamlets required funding) and only allowed to play with their hands tied behind their backs (in case they kill an armed 'militant').

  6. And who are YOU to judge that the favelas of Brazil and the slums of Detroit are NOT better or SUPERIOR to Western cities!?


    No, really, those countries' cities suck because the culture sucks and I will stand by this statement not out of bravado or pride, but because it's merely true.

    Ooooo!!! Feel the sting liberal leftist liars! Truth hurts!!!!
