Friday, April 06, 2012

RooshV Bought Me a Bottle of Rumpie

RooshV, some of you may or may not know him, is part of the pick up sect of the Manosphere (language warning before you go to his site, complaints will be ignored if you are offended as you've been warned and you do have the freedom of choice). Book sales picked up when he read and reviewed my book on his forum. Sales jumped enough to buy me a LARGE bottle of Rumpleminze. So in addition to Glenn Reynold's AR 15, I now have a bottle of Rumpie to keep me warm at night (yes, I sleep with the scoped AR 15).

I'd like to tip my hat in mentioning Roosh is also an author with a series of books on game. Again, a warning they are crass, controversial, written for men and have raised the ire of feminists, but they are crass, controversial and written for MEN (though women would also benefit from his authorship). Visit Roosh if you have the time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:11 AM

    You sleep with an AR-15? What a wimp! Real men sleep with a Mosin-Nagant!
