Sunday, April 29, 2012

Why "Barrrrristas" Will Not Save the World

Effing hilarious.

Oh, it's so fun to make fun of you liberal arts majors.  Especially those of you who still insist you chose the right major and are proud of it.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Hey, come on, stop disin' the Liberal Arts Majors. One of them asked me a real thought provoking question the other day... "You want fries with that?"

  2. Come now....making fun of libart majors isn't nice. It's just as
    mean and nasty as poking fun at
    the short bus kids when you were in
    grade school. Come to think of it
    there's a large overlap in the two
    populations......oh well, carry on.

  3. Off topic, but you have to read this.
    Penn State study on Walmart.

    It`s posted on SDA.

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Capt- have you seen this gathering of those with worthless degrees:

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Capt- have you seen this gathering of those with worthless degrees:

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I owe over $300k from undergrad and law school, and i'm unemployed. I see that some of you find this amusing, and that's cool. I can't believe how fucking stupid I was to go to law school a year before the financial crisis. I'm aware now that all of the information predicting the crisis was available before i made the decision. I guess I just wanted to believe badly that going to law school is th key to money, status, and respect. It's easy to blame the schools for fraudulent employment statistics (both $$ and % employed), and easy to blame the banksters for inflated tuition and the crisis itself, but I'm the one who must pay the loans back. So I need to find a way. Or die.

  7. Whoa, Anon,

    I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. Without studying economics and getting a degree in finance, how would you have known there was going to be a financial crisis.


    So yeah, you're screwed, but you know somehting, it isn't your fault. Not because I'm some kind of forgiving guy, but you youth have been lied to for so long, this was the inevitable outcome. Do not blame yourself personally for it.

    Oh, and buy "Worthless" and recommend it to friends. You can perhaps prevent other youth from going through what you had to.

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I should have known. I chose my path out of rebellion (my grandfather was, and my father is, an engineer). I have been counseling younger guys to pursue all other available opportunities outside of college since 2003 (the year before I was graduated from college). I caddied for 13 summers on weekend from highschool until two years ago. A lot of those kids had no idea what they wanted to do, but felt pressured to go to college, and i felt like telling them about their options.

    Back to I should have known. One night at a local bar--the summer of 2007 after my first year of law school--I met a finance professor at the school i attended for law school. This person told me that bear stearns was going to collapse six weeks before it happened. I took a trading class with this professor the next fall and watched the financial crisis unfold. The professor taught me about CDOs and hedge funds and currency trading. This professor had some high-up contacts (bordering on insider trading) that let them know how things were going to go down.
    At the time i did not know what to do about it, or how to get out.

    Moral of the story is: the engineering firm my father works for is doing very well in spite of the terrible economy. The legal profession is in the toilet.

    I should have known.

  9. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I know it is fun for the manosphere to make jokes about worthless liberal arts degrees but ya gotta putt blame where blame is due....

    these kids have been pushed the "college dream" with the same fervor that "go west young man" was pushed a few generations ago....

    that is to say they were sold the fantasy that if they "did the right things"-things would turn out well...

    and, heck maybe even a generation ago, that worthless liberal arts degree would've lead to some well paying job somewhere. People weren't getting into the same kind of debt that they are now. universities were "leaner"-that is more on research and teaching and less buracracy....

    parents, teachers, guidance counsellors, pro athletes all told these kids to stay in school with the hollow promise that there would be light at the end of the tunnel-a well paying, gratifying career...
