Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Affirmative Action Job Does NOT Equal "Independent"

When you fleece the taxpayers

to pay for make work jobs that nobody wants

then you cannot claim to be independent or "self-reliant."

You are really nothing more than a welfare recipient playing "make believe corporate professional worker."

But don't let reality get in the way of you becoming the best taxpayer paid social worker professor non-profit administrator director you can possibly be.

I often wonder if the concept of the free market = reality is lost on most people.


  1. Also, in a way they really aren't paying taxes... the government is just paying them less.

  2. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Hey cap, have you heard about a run on greek banks?

  3. "I often wonder if the concept of the free market = reality is lost on most people."

    You wonder about this? Honestly?

    The majority of Americans, including the majority of conservatives, do not understand that capitalism is an observation of reality. Or that alternative theories are fictional descriptions of what adherents wish the world could be like. In other words, fantasy. People do not grasp this difference at all.

    I am a human being. I cannot fly under my own power and bullets will kill me. That is reality.

    I wish I could be like Superman. I wish I could fly and that I was invulnerable to injury and disease. That is fantasy.

    I understand the difference, as would anyone other than maybe a 3 year old. And I would be rightfully shamed and scorned if I petitioned the government to pass laws giving us all super powers.

    The same gap exists between capitalism and socialism. And people who advocate for socialism are every bit as stupid and deluded as someone who would advocate for super powers. Government laws can't bestow super powers any more than they can create a socialist world.

    But try explaining that to the average person. Or, if you want a reason to give up all hope for humanity...try explaining it to a public school teacher.

  4. "I often wonder if the concept of the free market = reality is lost on most people."

    You wonder about this? Honestly?

    The majority of Americans, including the majority of conservatives, do not understand that capitalism is an observation of reality. Or that alternative theories are fictional descriptions of what adherents wish the world could be like. In other words, fantasy. People do not grasp this difference at all.

    I am a human being. I cannot fly under my own power and bullets will kill me. That is reality.

    I wish I could be like Superman. I wish I could fly and that I was invulnerable to injury and disease. That is fantasy.

    I understand the difference, as would anyone other than maybe a 3 year old. And I would be rightfully shamed and scorned if I petitioned the government to pass laws giving us all super powers.

    The same gap exists between capitalism and socialism. And people who advocate for socialism are every bit as stupid and deluded as someone who would advocate for super powers. Government laws can't bestow super powers any more than they can create a socialist world.

    But try explaining that to the average person. Or, if you want a reason to give up all hope for humanity...try explaining it to a public school teacher.

  5. Women are a growing proportion of employment because they dominate the fields most heavily subsidized by government: education, health care, and social services. "So far, so good" you might say, as you fall past another ten floors of the Empire State Building.

    Real austerity is coming soon. It's going to hit suddenly and it's going to hit hard. Women and non-Asian minorities will be hit hardest, and there's nothing any politician can do to stop it.

  6. A Happy Bicycle9:18 AM

    Daniel L. Taylor --
    "I understand the difference, as would anyone other than maybe a 3 year old."

    A three-year-old MALE; we are mercilessly purged of foolish fantasies such as these when we leave childhood.

    OTOH, women's fantasies (no matter how ridiculous, improbable, or biased against others) are encouraged and heavily supported by the government/political system, the educational system, the legal system, the MSM, Churchianity, and sometimes their own fathers -- all at the cost (and sometimes the sacrifice) of the male half of the population.

    And if their fantasy doesn't come true, it is ALWAYS the fault of some male, somewhere.

    Small wonder it's become much better to avoid these spoiled, deluded harpies than to risk getting involved with them in any way.

    "Women said that they need a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
    Well, surprise! Men have found that bicycles don't need fish, either!"

  7. I lived in South America for a year. And when I came home, I was amazed at how few people understand just how involved the government is in business here in the US. I laughed when people would say the the US is a capitalist country.

    Go to Colombia, or Peru - Those are capitalist free market countries.

  8. Regarding Dan Taylor`s comment. Dan your missing a big aspect of socialism, and what makes it attractive to many people. The central planners themselves, get an increased standard of living from socialism. The article is a perfect example. Washington employment levels and compensation are booming.These people love socialism, because their own wealth has benefited. They could care less, how the private sector is going down the drain. Government employees make much more money, then their private sector counter parts.
    Of course at some point the private sector is sucked dry, and the government goes bankrupt. This has happened in Greece. But in the meantime, the socialists enjoy living the high life.

  9. Affirmative Action = "White Men Need Not Apply."

    Now, they can do all the work and support the Affirmative Action babies promoted above them...but that will never last.

  10. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Jeez, as a non-American I also had to seriously adjust my assumption that the US economy is based on free market principles.
