Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Нека наш најсигурнији лет српских пријатеља.

Thanks for you help.


  1. cape codder8:03 PM

    Delighted to hear you advertising on Leykis! Any chance you could get on the show in the future?

  2. Well if enough people call in telling TOm they read my book and it made their lives change, then yes, maybe. Otherwise i just shelled out $500 for a month's worth of advertising. We'll see where it gets me.

  3. Hey, just curious, why the Serbian text?

  4. Johnycomelately3:22 AM

    The really interesting Serbian is Dusan Popov (WW II James Bond), PUAs will love him as apparently his nick name was the trycicle for his penchant for threesomes.

    Sadly the double agent warned the US of the Pearl Harbour 'surprise' bombing but apparently fell on deaf ears.

  5. cape codder6:40 PM

    Will you be able to track how many sales the ad is responsible for? Either way, it's a fascinating peek behind the curtain. Good luck!
