Friday, May 04, 2012

Epic Fail

Oh you funny Keynesians.  I sit with giddy anticipation to see how this is going to be spun as good news.


  1. Rick Santelli over on CNBC, was freaking out over these numbers. The spin is the drop in the rate. This number, like a lot of other "official" government numbers are cooked. The CPI numbers are the biggest joke of all. They exclude food and gasoline from "core" inflation numbers. But hey who buys food and gas, the government knows best.
    Issues like this, should be all over the media. The government fudges all kinds of economic numbers, and MSM turn a blind eye.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    "Productivity" is the usual code word for increased unemployment. The revisions make this report more neutral than anything else, but maybe people just wanted an excuse to take profits.

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Civilian labor force participation rate fell again? I don't know whose idea it was to pull discouraged workers off the rolls, but the Obama campaign should be providing him with a lot of blow and hookers right about now.

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM Some lulz, from an engineer.

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Btw - Tom and a caller just talked up your book in a big way.

  6. Do you know what day/time? May not be able to track it down. What did they say exactly about it?

  7. It was the day and time I sent the message,it had just happened. The caller brought it up and Tom ran with it. All very positive.
