Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Spy With My Little Eye

A reason this woman had to marry herself.

Anybody else see what I see?

I'll give you another clue from another woman who married herself.

I laugh thinking how when I was younger I thought I was the one with the problems.



  1. Well, not sure what you see there, but what I see, consistant to both stories, is the women did not find a man that was good enough for them in their eyes.

    Wonder how they would react if a man said the same thing to them?

  2. First of all, these two women are a couple of narcissistic nut cases. They deserve to be alone, because all they think about is themselves. They want "someone to come along and make them happy". There is absolutely no consideration, in regards to what they might offer to a potential mate. They only see their side of the bargain.
    And to top it off, you have to be happy in the first place. Other people are not assigned the job of delivering happiness. Each individual is responsible for their own happiness and welfare. A life partner just enhances an already existing happiness.
    I hope the guests brought lots of cat food, to this so-called wedding. These two women are going to need lots of cat food.

  3. People actually attended their ceremonies?! If someone I knew said they were going to marry themselves I would decline the invitation to the event. I'm not going to feed that train wreck. The only thing more disgusting than this cancerous egotism are the enablers that have allowed this to grow.

  4. sisterbrat3:17 PM

    I am ashamed to be female sometimes....these dumb, entitled, stupid people are really irritating me.

  5. WTF, they're fat. Nuff said.

  6. If she marries a man later would that be bigamy?

  7. These stories always remind me of "I Me Wed", a movie about a woman who wants to marry herself then meets a guy and she walks out on herself, to be with him instead. I remember him being a badass, but with it being mainstream media, he was probably pushover.

  8. I think National Review had the best quote on the South Dakota woman (and it probably applies to the other):

    She decided — after she divorced an actual other-embodied person and her two kids deciding to live with dad — to commit herself to that one person she realizes she loves most

    @CBMTTek: Note, even though she didn't find a man to her liking she found a man's wallet to her liking.

  9. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Chen Wei-TooMuch

  10. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Well, the article got one thing right: she's definitely "fed-up".

  11. I guess in these times it is not surprising at all. But check this out below. Can anything get more selfish and narcissistic than this:

  12. The best part of the whole thing...

    "Schweigert's 11-year-old son was her biggest critic: "He said, 'I love you, but I'm embarrassed for you right now.'"

    The 11-year old boy is the only one with a brain.
