Thursday, May 10, 2012

"Permissive Parenting"

Holy crap, I thought one of my readers was just making it up.

Apparently it is true.  And apparently you idiots think somehow a generation brought up on this tripe is going to have the gumption and industriousness to produce enough wealth to pay for everything, not to mention protect us from hordes of Chinese invaders with weapons.

I better order some more Rumpie.


  1. "Permissive Parenting" is an oxymoron.

  2. Andrea10:15 PM

    Like I said, my kids will eat those kids for breakfast. You see them everywhere (espacially in the Stay-At-Home-Momsphere). This is a true form of child abuse- crappy parenting.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Benjamin Spock laid the foundation for this Epic Fail in parenting back in the late 1950's, which yielded the hippies.

    Now we have three or four generations running around like little heathens, blind leading the blind style. I give it ten years before we see "Lord of the Flies" out of Detroit or Atlanta.

    Who will be the Eloi in the upcoming phase of the decline? >:)

  4. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Why would the Chinese invade a country of no productive value whatsoever?

  5. Anonymous12:01 AM

    The permissive parents aren't the ones producing involuntarily celibate study robot beta engineers who exist to support the feminist system. The lebensborn elites turn into undersexed Eloi who lack competitive drive, whether individual or national in scale.

    Most of these people know better than to permissively rear daughters. Elites are better equipping their sons for reality, not a Calvinist caricature of what life should be.

  6. I see parents are still looking outside their immediate circle (i.e. the web) for parenting advise. Didn't we, as a society, learn better from the whole "Dr. Spock" nonsense?

  7. The unfortunate thing is that parents that are not actively participating in permissive parenting quite often let the school system "permissive parent" in their stead, essentially undoing whatever gains the parent may have made creating a fully functioning adult.

  8. better start learning Arabic and preaching to Allah
