Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ben Hurs of The Manosphere

Follow the logic on this:

Married men who work and have stay at home wives are causing "HOSTILE WORKING ENVIRONMENTS" for women at work.

What I really love, though, is how they use the phrase "pockets of resistance to the "gender revolution"" (yes, double quotes were needed because of their stupidity)


Apparently they don't see the Ben Hurs of The Manosphere mobilizing millions of men every month.

hat tip


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    when is a study going to come out that proves the nice guys (tm) don't exist but many women make crappy choices with men and then blame everyone else--oh, right that would be sexist....

    When's the study going to come out that show single, fit, never married men would rather stay single, fit, never married men than get involved with overweight single moms who collect alimony from another man. Oh, wait, that would be sexist....

  2. "...male employees in modern marriages, are more likely to exhibit attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that are harmful to women in the workplace..."

    Hahahahaha! Attitudes like what? Hard work, dedication to work AND family, productivity?
    Yep, those are harmful to CERTAIN women in the workforce, and should indeed be more harmful to be fully effective.

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    If you take this study seriously, you'd have to acknowledge that women are much too emotionally fragile to be in the workplace. How weak must they be, to be this distressed at the thought that their male co-worker has a wife who is not employed?

    ... which forces the whole issue into paradox.

  4. How would they know if one's wife does not work? They are not allowed to ask about marital status in the interview process and, once having landed the job, one can just say that their wife does indeed work.

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I am a married father of a six yo boy and an 8 yo boy. I also make enough money that we don't need for my wife to work and sub contract the raising of our children. I work in an almost exclusively male environment so I don't have a lot of experience with women in the work place. I do know that having a wife who will look after the children makes life simple. I don't have to deal with family drama as my wife takes care of it all. When the kids are older she will get a job. For now its nice to not have to worry about the kids and come home to clean laundry and a cooked dinner. - minuteman

  6. Anonymous1:15 AM

    just today I read on a mommy blog that both parents were severely sleep deprived. I wanted to ask why is your husband sleep deprived TOO? of course, the mommy works, and resents if she has to get up for the crying/sick baby and husband sleeps soundly. so BOTH need to be awake (equality and all) and both are zombies at work (productivity?!?!)and the child is farmed out to day care. If she didn't work she could do night shift alone and nap during the day... ever heard of division of labour??

  7. I wonder what they would think of my boyfriend. He intends to stay home with the kids. Does this somehow create a hostile working environment for the single men in my workplace?

  8. I think people need to break free from those standarts. The man can be a perfect dad and house...-husband!
