Sunday, June 03, 2012

Crusders are Jerks

Crusaderism is a psychological disease I discovered long ago.  Oh, mock me if you will, and claim, "how can you, an economist, have a gall to say you discovered a psychological disorder?"  But in due time, a real psychologist will discover it, give it some kind of official name, and then people will say,

"Ha!  THAT???  POTUS Cappy discovered that about 50 years ago!"

However, since I've pointed out crusaderism and explained what it is, more and more people are being able to identify instances of it and are starting to see the deadly serious ramifications. 

One of these not-so deadly ramifications is that crusaders are indeed jerks.

The tone of the article is one of "surprise" or "shock."  To find out that people who participate in crusades are also highly correlated with being a jerk.  People who study crusaderism, however, would not find this surprising at all.  The reason why is that crusders are, if anything, incredibly selfish and lazy people.  They put themselves first and find easy ways to give themselves self-worth and value.  I won't go into detail, but you can see all the detail about crusaderism here, but take two people as an example:

The urban, masters degree intellectual who shops at Whole Foods.  Does s/he have a masters in engineering?  no.  Probably a masters in art history or something like that.  Drives a Prius, doesn't have a real job, relies on the taxpayer in one way or another for his/her income.  KNOWS deep down inside they majored in sociology because they are too lazy to do math, and don't really contribute anything of value to society.  AND SO by "going green" (which takes nothing and avoids math) they can claim not only are they doing something of value, they are superior to you cretins that shop at Wal-Mart.


The humble Asian student who is studying electrical engineering.  S/he works hard, drives a beat up Toyota, studies advanced mathematics and electronics everyday, will inevitably build the processors to the computers on the GPS on the urban masters candidate's Prius, but can't afford as of yet a Prius, let alone overpriced food at Whole Foods or Starbucks.  They go on to get a great job at Unisys, they pull in $250,000 and are then accused of being evil rich people that must pay more in taxes for the urban masters degreed dweller to "help" poor people or "the chillllldreeeeennnnnn."

Quite frankly, who would you rather hang out with?  Obviously the poor Asian kid because they are intellectually honest.  They are true to themselves.  They are real men and women of strong moral caliber and you can expect them to treat you with the same courtesy.  The other person is just an intellectually dishonest hypocrite and cover it up as much as they try with "buying the right food" or "driving the right car" or "voting for the right candidate" their personality will still shine through and show them to be the assholes they genuinely are.

hat tip


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    But won't that make the asian student a crusader?
    I mean if s/he spends all that time and energy getting a degree for THEMSELVES....then doesn't that make them a crusader?

    (an old fart that grew up on a dairy farm and is just about emotionally spent; because I gave EVERYTHING up for others)

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Organic Food (fruit&veg) is "organically fertilised" - no nasty chemicals.

    Organic fertiliser = sh*t.

    Organic food - grown in sh*t.
    Try that for advertising slogan.

  3. SentWest6:49 PM

    Steve - The Asian student isn't a crusader exactly because they're doing what they're doing for themselves selfishly, with no subterfuge.

    The Whole Foods Hipster is choking down that disgusting fair-trade bean curd and kale cumin wrap that cost $20.00 in their vegan semi-ironic OWS t-shirt so that you'll see him/her doing it and be impressed with how global and vegan and progressive and s**t they are. They're not doing it for themselves, they're doing it for you, and you don't want it. That's a crusader.

    (An ex-pat Californian, fed up with crusaders)

  4. Crusaderism goes a step further.

    The person doesn't choke down a tofu burger and lord it over you because they care about the environment.

    They do it SOLELY and PURELY for themselves while LYING about why they're doing it to give them a superiority over you.

    The Asian student just wants to make enough money to provide for his/her family and an enjoyable life.

    Besides which, the Asian student actually produces something of value. The "Masters in English Literature" is merely an economic parasite and (I believe) deep down inside knows it when they buy the latest I-Pad with their government check.

  5. sentwest8:44 PM

    I stand humbly corrected. I do recall the type though.

  6. Nothing describes crusaderism better than the love that so many leftists have for Che Guevera. A man who:

    Had no qualms murdering children

    Who helped create internent camps later used to imprison homosexuals and those afflicted with aids

    Whose economic policies inflicted untold ruin on the Cuban people

    Who was willing to sacrifice Cuba to atomic hellfire for his 'communist' principals.

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Two words - Mayor Bloomberg.

    Why are those friggin capcha codes so unreadable amd damn near undecipherable?

  8. The urban, masters degree intellectual who shops at Whole Foods. Does s/he have a masters in engineering? no. Probably a masters in art history or something like that. Drives a Prius, doesn't have a real job, relies on the taxpayer in one way or another for his/her income. KNOWS deep down inside they majored in sociology because they are too lazy to do math, and don't really contribute anything of value to society. AND SO by "going green" (which takes nothing and avoids math) they can claim not only are they doing something of value, they are superior to you cretins that shop at Wal-Mart.

    Instead of the Asian engineering major, who at least the Crusader will acknowledge as smart enough to go to college (even if they are a drone) but to the plumber who fixes their toilet, never went to college, and still makes more than the Crusader. Crusaders claim to be making the work better for "the people" but when they have to deal with the people look down their nose at them.

    Also, I do want to briefly defend "they majored in sociology because they are too lazy to do math". People with social science degrees, especially graduate degrees, had to at least slog through a lot of stats classes. Checking my alma mater the sociology major has an upper level stats class plus a math class beyond Algebra II (I know, I know, don't get me started on Algebra II being an acceptable university liberal arts math requirement).

    The English majors, by contrast, have no applied math for their degree and can fulfill the liberal arts requirement by "Math for Poets". At least the sociology guys have to take Calc I or Discrete Math (I actually think the later is more useful for most people).
