Sunday, June 03, 2012

Seven Brothers Lakes

I revisited the Big Horn Mountains this weekend on account they are really tall mountains whereas the Black Hills are much shorter.  Hiked to "Seven Brother's Lakes."  Only saw 6 of them.  However I did see a moose and a beaver. 

Remember kids, you can work and pay taxes, or you can just umm....not.


  1. Fabulous pics. I miss home. Thanks for posting them, Cappy.

  2. Herr Wilson9:20 PM

    "Remember kids, you can work and pay taxes, or you can just umm....not."

    Enjoy the decline, brother.

    I've been lurking around on your blog for a few weeks and wanted thank you for your introduction to the was eye opening to say the least.

  3. Unfortunately we can't all be wildly successful authors living off our royalties. If we were, who would buy your books?

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    "Unfortunately we can't all be wildly successful authors living off our royalties."

    Have you tried to be one?

    "If we were, who would buy your books?"

    You mean to tell me you'd stop buying/reading other people's books once you've authored your own?

    That's right, kids, don't follow your dreams because they might come true and if everyone's dream came true, well that'd be chaos.
