Monday, July 09, 2012

He Wasn't Going to Achieve Anything Anyways

1.  Poli Sci major
2.  "Aspiring rap artist" (I too was an aspiring Robotech Veritech Cyclone pilot, and then I grew up and lived in the real world)
3.  Founded something that is nothing more than a communist organization to rationalize taking other people's money, meaning...
4.  Crusader
5.  I'm sure he was running with a really great crowd and the murder was completely coincidental.

"Slop" is the correct term.

On a related note I too lived in the Cedar Riverside apartment complex (affectionately aka "Ghettos in the Sky") and made it out of the ghetto.  I did this NOT by "trying to become a great rapper," NOT by collecting a government check and starting groups that stole money from other people to give to me, and it certainly was NOT done by running with thugs, drug dealers and the general vermin of society.

It was hard work, paying my own bills, developing a reasonably marketable skill and not chasing stupid, outlandish dreams that were more of a testament to my laziness than any kind of talent I had.

If you don't like this, then you can continue to be lied to by politicians who don't care about you, but only care about your vote (and with the added bonus of having a higher risk of an untimely end like this schmoe).  However, if you want out of the ghetto and a better life, then you should listen to me.

But again, by all means, try to become the next "great rap artist" or "Teen Idol" contestant.  I'm sure it will lead to just as much success if you studied engineering or accounting.


  1. Amazing how they are always just on the cusp of getting their lives together.

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I agree about being realistic with life. But it's pretty damn sad that you're so bitter about this, you can't even let a murder victim get away without raking him through the coals. One disgusting and pathetic bastard.

  3. Anonymous12:33 AM

    This is the coldest story ever told

  4. Agreed this is one of my more macabre, cynical posts, but that is the point of it. I'm not being bitter. I'm being realistic. If anything I'm making this poor boy's life a useful post-mortem lesson for future boys in his situtation to avoid his fate.

    I'm not a "pathetic disgusting bastard." I'm the male/father figure/role model pointing out the hard facts of life nobody else has the gall to do.

    Unless, of course you suggest there's a government program we haven't funded that tells young inner city youth to avoid drugs/crime/violence/etc. etc. etc.

    But then again, I actually do care enough about the youth. You just want to get lost in emotions and avoid hard decisions.

    1. Dick Slater4:27 PM

      You do? For heaven's sake, Captain, why? What exactly about this little scumbag makes you think he was worth trying to help?

      (This is why women should not vote. Without packs of feminists too proud to learn to cook, too ugly or crazy to find a man, too poor to go to Africa for a mail-order alpha male, and all too willing to thrust liberals into office, this "Torontonian" would never have come within a thousand miles of Minneapolis, Toronto or any city in the civilized world.)

  5. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Anonymous 8.18 stop being so butthurt.

  6. Yannow...the next "Rising Star" can now write a song aboot it.....

  7. He, in his last breaths was probably not worth saving. But he WAS brought into this world under innocent terms as are all children. And there are thousands more being born into destitute lives NOT because they have an economic disadvantage in being poor, but because they will be brainwashed to turn out like this guy. It is pity for a guy like him and the millions of other poor people because they are purposely brainwashed to vote themselves into poverty and are never given a shot. I just hope some blunt reality in mocking what he became (a nothing, maybe even a parasite) AND highlighting his early demise might slap some sense into people his age and in his situation.

  8. A google search for "aspiring rap artist" does not inspire me to insure those so describing themselves.

  9. A google search for "aspiring rap artist" does not inspire one to insure those so describing themselves...

  10. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Capt. Capitalism, I know exactly what you mean about these kids never having a real shot at success because they suck up the lies of liberals and never break free of the bonds that liberalism holds them with. I only take issue with one point---I think every life is worth saving. You may be surprised how some view life after being so close to death. But, yes, liberals are a curse to real success and freedom. I don't know what it will take b4 some people will finally figure that out!!
