Friday, July 20, 2012

"He's a Parasite Who Thinks He's a Host"

That is, by far, the best damn description of President Obama I have ever heard.

I had linked to it before, but I didn't read his editorial.  My apologies for merely laughing and looking at the pictures.


  1. ...And "The Government" didn't even build the infrastructure he brags about. We did, with our money and our labor. "The Government" merely coordinated the effort, for a substantial fee of course.

    Oh that foolish man in his insular little world.

  2. What annoys me to no end about this entire "you would not be successful unless the Government was there helping you every step of the way" argument is the people making it (and it is not just 0), assume the successful person is taking more from the system than they are paying in.

    What I would like to do, had I actually had the time, is put together an analysis of how much exactly the "factory" owner pays in taxes, and whether or not that amount covers their use of the common infrastructure.

    Goods and materials travel to/from the factory on roads. The use of those roads is not at no cost to the factory owner. Not only do they pay real estate and state taxes that are used to build and maintain roads, they also pay taxes on the fuel they use to run their personal car, as well as any vehicles used in their business. Does that direct taxation pay for their use of the road system?

    What about the taxes paid by the delivery companies that move the materials for the factory owner? Do you think the cost of moving a pound of cargo just might include a the taxes they deliver company pays? Let's add that in.

    My belief (not ready to call it anything near an assertion just yet) is that the amount a successful business pays into the system far outstrips the benefit they receive.

    In other words, not only did they build their own business, they also over paid for their use of the infrastructure. Same for police, schools, etc...

  3. I wish all the businessmen and entrepreneurs of America would all go on strike for a day, a week, whatever, long enough for all the moochers who despise the hand that feeds them to start wondering 'well where am I gonna get my twinkees? I got my food stamps here, isn't anyone gonna let me in the Quicky Mart? Hello?'

  4. sth_txs10:48 AM

    I've been on some other leftist forums and blogs over the years. Standard leftist idiocy that you did not succeed on your own.

  5. Anonymous12:33 AM

    "What I would like to do, had I actually had the time, is put together an analysis of how much exactly the "factory" owner pays in taxes, and whether or not that amount covers their use of the common infrastructure."

    Sounds like a Job for the Cap.

  6. John Galt4:28 PM

    Atlas needs to shrug...good and hard!
