Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Trek Across South Dakota

Some photos of Hwy 212.  Nothing is out there, but I did find some interesting sites/photos, notably a cemetery in a town called "Faith":


  1. Please, let's trade places! You come here, finish packing and load the moving van, and I'll stand all by myself in the middle of nowhere, soaking up a view of endless serenity and peace.

  2. 212 is how we generally get to Sturgis. Off the interstate at Little Big Horn and it's a straight shot across to Belle Fourche. Never ran across the eastern half to Minneapolis, though. Did take 12 across once and it was a nice ride, probably pretty similar.

  3. S.Lynn10:56 AM

    What a wonderful view to stretch your eyes.

  4. Yep, nothing is out there, but I like it anyway. I live in eastern SD, and travel through a few times per year.
