Monday, July 02, 2012

"Run Bambi, Run!"

People who remember the 70's will get the cultural reference.

I am laughing because they killed the goose that laid the golden egg.  Of course, leave it to the media to portray the wife as the victim (poor lady, only got a million dollar lake front property and $2000 a month in rental income) who was greedy enough to go back for more.

Call it capital flight, call it going Galt, going ghost, call it whatever you want, the goose that laid the golden egg is dead.  And you killed it.


  1. This is the start of men in Ontario who will flee jurisdiction if they can. This guy had a deal, and the family law courts broke his deal. There are NO rules in family court in Ontario, this guy is lucky to get away with his skin.

  2. The USA denies passports to anyone with $2500+ in overdue child support. So if you take a business trip outside the country and lose your passport, you can't come back even if you want to. The media treats this as a great idea, even when a guy has to borrow his parents' life savings to get back in the country.

    While this article is entirely pro-mother, the comments all favor the father. Even women sympathize; they hate having to support a boyfriend because all his income goes to a bitchy ex. People are waking up.

  3. Excellent. And the comments are mostly supportive of the husband. People are starting to wake up.

  4. Jimmy Dean4:45 PM

    Wow. I read your blog all the time and never comment, but this story got me. WOW.

    This is amazing. I've often told my friends that if I got married, and a woman did this to me, I'd jet. Nice to see I'm not alone in this regard. Thanks for posting!

  5. You'd think that individuals would realize that when there are over 100,000 that are behind on their child support payments that perhapes it might be less to do with the father and more to do with it being fundementally unsustainable.

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Smart man. Deadbeat dad my righteous white butt. He got his kids taken from him and he has no real part in his family but is supposed to pay for everything anyways? Screw that.

  7. The worst part about it is what the mother (and a sympathetic media) is doing to the kids.

    Eight months since he last heard from his dad, Mills’ son Steven was eager to open a package that had just arrived from the Philippines in advance of his 11th birthday. Steven’s face dropped and tears welled up in his eyes when he saw its contents: dried banana chips, cassava chips, caramel popcorn and salted peanuts.

    The birthday card accompanying the dry goods said: “Dear Steve, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Love from Dad.”

    “Why would I want this from my deadbeat dad?” the youngster said. “If he really cared, he’d be here.”

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    This guy is the poster boy for not getting married. How can any man read that and think marriage is a good idea? How can the writers write this stuff and not realize its impact? How can the courts do what they do and not realize the impact? I wish him luck.

  9. Anonymous9:03 PM

    And of course it'll just leave family formation in the dust bin of history.

  10. Whew! I was concerned until I learned he paid his lawyer before he split. The Dude abides...... an aside... after two shots of Rumpie I has some difficulty reading your clues in "prove your not a robot" when posting bits of wizdumb.

  11. Anonymous4:02 AM

    That's why I fought for 3 years to specifically exclude Spousal support from my separation agreement. That section takes 7 pages out of the 30 pages of the agreement. It essentially states that God could resume a plague of locust and my ex-wife would still not be entitled to spousal support.

    Cases like these worry me though, because they establish a precedent where a contract between 2 parties(separation agreement) is deemed unaccptable to the Court and is put up for arbitrary review. I live in Ontario...

    Also, I bought her out with RRSPs (401k in the US?). So by the time she gets to cash them in, they will most likely be worth less than the paper they are printed on.
    What is it you say around here? Enjoy the decline? Indeed!


  12. Just1X5:27 AM

    "Mills said she always knew her ex-husband would flee to the Asian subcontinent where he had worked extensively during the past 15 years, and where he met his future wife."

    Any bet that him finding a future wife had some bearing on her deciding she needed to further screw him over?

  13. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Enjoy you adoptive state. My first marrage ended w/out children (thankfully) and the divorce was finalized there in S.D. She got the Shirt on her back.

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Ontario women and Danish women fight for the title of worst possible wives - check out Roosh's travel forum. I feel bad for the guy - he's Danish. He picked the one place that is as bad as where he left.

    BTW, I'm half Danish and went to uni in Ontario.

  15. I have the solution: No money should ever change hands in a divorce except to divide the assets accumulated during the divorce. After that, the parents should work out custody arrangements among themselves fifty/fifty. If a parent wants the kids all to herself, fine, you accept the financial hit. Kids don't care about money, they want to spend time with their parents! How does impoverishing a parent help the kids in the long run? We ignore logic at our own peril!!

  16. Anonymous11:23 AM


    Frankly she's a twit, and he's a bit of arse.

    (Not paying at least "fair" amount of child support? Really? The court may have set it too high, and I can understand deciding to not pay all of it, but none if you can?)

    That being said & reading the article, how many of the "deadbeats" who have fallen behind in child care payments do so because they lose jobs, or can't find a new one that pays as well, or have the amount set at an unreasonable and inflexibly high amount, etc...

    Let face it, if you are married and suddenly have to seriously down size, expenditures on Jr. are going to plummet too. I have yet to head of a divorce settlement that acknowledges that. The ones I have seem seem to operate in some la-la land where things continue as before, and where you have to expend serious coin and time to get things revised - if it's even allowed.

  17. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

    The interesting part is that this man will likely go on living free on his feet now that he has escaped the equivalent of modern day slavery.

    Yes, the children are a casualty. Give a few years (or a decade) until they wake up and can make their own decisions outside of the indoctrinated poison of their mother.

    Dad's going to have to learn to live with himself again - maybe relearn who he is. But for some of us, we never had to force ourselves to forget who we are in the first place. Godspeed, Hans Mills.

  18. Anonymous9:49 PM

    What a horrible slave he is! Here in massa was so kind as to let him keep almost 8% of his income and that uppity layabout done left the plantation! And without massas permission no less! What a scandal! Fortunately to the south in the more enlightened U.S. of A. we don't let no slaves leave the farm less they pick enough cotton to make massa smile. We take their papers and jail them til then work em' in prison the way a good slave should be. None of this jury stuff either since it's all "civil" even though the jail's the same as for murderers. You Cannucks need to learn how to deal with these uppity slaves like we yanks do...

    Here's an idea... if they are so worried about the children being supported and mommy dearest can't work why not just (wait for it...) GIVE THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHER. Branding a man for not "supporting" his kids while you do everything legally possible to forbid him from seeing them makes sense how? Then you demand so much from him that he can't live and you are shocked that he would run? How much should a man accept before leaving or using violence? Is any level of slavery justified as long as you pretend it's for the children?

  19. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The reason the comments from the article are supportive of the Father is because most people reading the article realize it is insanity to NOT be able to live on the support awarded in the first agreement. The ex-wife was provided with a 1.2 million dollar home with a 600k mortgage on it, child support for minor children, and apparently $2k a month from the state in addition to $2k a month in rental income. It doesn't mention in the article if the ex-husband is required to pay some or all of the health insurance for the children.

    A bit of back of the envelope math says the $600k mortgage @ 5.25% is approx $3,315 a month without taxes (or PMI if that applies). So subtract the rental income and the exwife has to pay $1,315 a month for a 2 million dollar plus home. $1,315 is just UNDER what we pay in rent for a 625 square foot coach house with a small yard in Chicago (great neighborhood so I'm not complaining). I know taxes, PMI, and the utilities can be a beast but then maybe she should sell the house and move to a rental.

    I completely understand not being able to dump your children off at a day care center and go back to paid work - but the trade off is that you have to reduce your bills in order to be able to stay home and care for your children. Also, the eldest son (the druggie) could get a job and help out financially (if he was so inclined) and the 17 year old daughter is also able to work part time and help with the bills.

    If what I write sounds as if I support the Father's decision - I don't. I noticed the article makes no mention of who divorced who. Perhaps the Father had enough of his druggie, special needs, and ill children and flew to a third world country to get a "do over" with his "new" wife? While I do not support the Mother's decision to use the court system to be punitive - I don't support a Father's decision to yell "Mulligan" and fly to a third world country.

    Seems like these two may have deserved each other. The children sound miserable already and that is the sad part - they were doomed the instant they were born to shallow heartless parents who were not capable of even honoring their marriage vows.
