Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Only Solution to Our Economic Problems


  1. Excellent video of what should be but unfortunately isn't common knowledge. If you want business to grow and to hire more people you just get the hell out of their way and stop putting up feel good road blocks to make everything fair. As you said we have the richest poor people on the face of the earth which is entirely due to having a strong economy. Let businesses make money, let businessmen keep more of the money they earn and stop demonizing and punishing them and as the economy grows and the rich get richer the poor and middle class get richer too. If you drag down those who have more just to make it fair then we all end up with less. North Korea is the Ideal of fairness. Everyone is equally poor, there is no incentive to try to do more or have more. There's nothing more to have. Would you rather things be fair or would you rather have food on your plate?

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Thanks Cap'n, but I fear it's all to little and too late. Not that it was your responsibility in any way, we're all guilty and will pay the price.


  3. Anonymous12:41 PM


  4. Craig from Belvidere5:16 PM

    You got linked on SmallDead Animals.

  5. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Well said, my friend. Well said. With you all the way.

  6. I spent my morning tea drinking ritual time watching your vid.

  7. Just1X6:05 AM

    Hi Cap,

    As you liked the quote about 'the public sector being the only thing keeping the private sector afloat' (supplied by me), how about the other cracker that I (also) heard in a BBC report?

    They were interviewing a bunch of unemployed kids in Wales (IIRC), asking whether they felt any shame at living off benefits?

    The best answer came from a girl, who said something like, "nah, not really like, 'cos I get me benefits right? buuht I pay tax on the fags I buy wiv it. So, like, it's swings and roundabouts, innit? know what I mean?"

    To be fair, I can't conceive of any job she'd be worth paying to do.

    Go on, let's see a second video about that one...you know that you want to.

    ex-liberal-ish minded person (when I was young'n'stoopid)

  8. If any of your viewers want further reading on basic economics, aka, why the world works the way it does and how political decisions end up harming the ones it intended to help. I recommend Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics. If that's too much reading, grab one of his other smaller volumes. Enjoyed the video Capy Cap!
