Thursday, August 16, 2012

From Your Captain in the Field

Suffering the decline, as always.


  1. Yay! Captain Capitalism is in Colorado! Where I (may or may not) totally am!

    ...Probably going to Colorado Springs, though, where I (may or may not) totally am not...

  2. You've got a lot of great pictures there. My favorite is #28.

  3. Just out of curiosity, what do you do on multi-day trips? Hotels? Cabins? Tent on the side of the road?

  4. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Reminds me of the Roadrunner Cartoons. Beep Beep!

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    What highway is that? I see a wrapped speedometer needle in my future.

  6. I usually crash at hotels. I used to sleep at waysides and what not, now I've decided life is too short.

    When I return to minimalism I will get the tent, but I think this will be one of the last great crusades.

    The highway is 163 in Utah.

    Currently in Flagstaff, will be in Phoenix until Monday morning. You all are welcome to join me in Phoenix. Will probably be doing a cigar lounge. E-mail the Captain if you're around.


  7. Anonymous7:39 AM

    What kind of prices are charged by the motel/hotels?

    I'd love to see this kind of scenery, but prefer a long lower cost per day holiday, to a luxury short trip...


  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The third picture from the end seemed awfully familiar. I know I've seen it somewhere before.

    Then it finally dawned on me. It's was used as the location for the scene in Forest Gump where he decides to stop running and go home.

    Check out this clip at the 1:20 mark:

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I love me the road from Phoenix to Amarillo. Or from Arlington, TX, to Phoenix. Pure, unadulterated solitude.

  10. Oh, Cappy. Ax the sideways shots or rotate them. It gives the impression you just got on the Internet.

    Otherwise - nice shots.

    Affectionately, Snarkolepsy

  11. Malcolm7:58 PM

    Awesome photos. It was a pleasure to meet you while you were in town. I hope you have a safe and fun journey home.

  12. Malcolm8:02 PM

    D'Oh. I just realized that all of those comments went to moderation. I though the robot bouncer wasn't letting me through. Now I look like a retard.

  13. Amazing photographs. I hope you enjoy such scenery during the rest of the trip! :)

  14. Ryan Fuller12:41 PM

    Always nice to see somebody else's vacation shots as a reminder of home. Looks like you spent some time around Moab. :)
