Thursday, September 27, 2012

Crusader Bitch Gets What She Deserves

Super happy warm fuzzies.


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Spray painting in the subway is not "peaceful protest". It's vandalism. That's why taggers aren't stupid enough to do throw ups in a crowded station at midday.

  2. The Constitution? What the hell are you talking about?


  3. "This is what happens in Amereeca when you non-violently..."

    ...commit vandalism.

  4. Really the officer should have come right out and told her she's under arrest for vandalism then and there. Other than that, this was pretty much how the system is supposed to work.

  5. Phil Galt7:00 AM

    That was #$%*& hilarious!

    Back in college, I was down in the study lounge trying to get some work done, when one of my buds came down and struck up a loud conversation. I asked him to either pipe down or leave. This being college and all, he assured me that that constitution protected his right to to say whatever he wanted wherever that might be (no really!). I replied that this actually meant the American government wouldn't shut him up. I then arm-barred him, marched him out of the study lounge, threw him out, and locked the door behind me.

    Good times....

    Phil Galt.

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

    She doesn't even know how to deface a sign properly. She looks like she's spraying air freshener.

  7. Sorry to tell you, but the NY transit folks have prohibited the ad in question.

    So the Crusader [expletive deleted] got what she wanted. Don't celebrate too soon.

  8. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Watching the initial confrontation between the vandal and the woman with the camera, I couldn't help but think that this country would be a better place if you could hit stupid people upside the head.
