Monday, September 24, 2012

Recession Medicine

From Five Feet of Fury. (language warning)

And on a side note, the EXACT same thing can be said about teachers.


  1. Haw!!!!! I love Bill Burr and listen to the Monday Morning Podcast. Everything this guy says is true. His appearances on Opie and Anthony are great too if you're interested in checking out more of his work.

    Louis C.K. on his show last year had a bit on his show where he's making fun of people who do their jobs horribly and haven't produced anything in their lives because they're 20 and have had everything handed down to them by their parents. Comedians are the smartest people ever.

  2. I work for myself, and even if I didn't, I will never work for a woman again. Their idea of working is talking. The men do all the work and support all the women, which the women never believe.

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Yep. - I have been a tank commander, EOD technician, coast guard search and rescue tech (auxiliary), stock broker, (not a good one!!) construction electrician, and now nuclear powerplant repairman who has to go into reactor vaults to calibrate radiation detection equipment. My wife was a secretary, now she's a mother. She at least has the good grace to note whine about it. - minuteman

  4. Joe Bar7:31 AM

    Bill Burr rules.

  5. Bwahahahahahahaha. What a scream! Women like open-mouth Oprah have no idea about the jobs that men do. None.
    They have this image of workingman-in-white-shirt-w/tie playing with paper in an office downtown. And even the wives of working men have little idea about their man's conditions because most men are not prone to whine. We just eat it. We do that because we have to do it.
    Men still bear on their backs the bulk of the dirty work in this world. Although the media will fuss and grovel for pictures of some gal operating a road roller, most construction, repair, heavy hauling and other foot-crushing jobs are done by men. Real men. Mining, tree-felling, milling, smelting, rescue, trucking, and really dangerous stuff is done by us. Shall I continue with who does the lion's share of life in the combat arms of the armed forces? And who dominates the casualty rolls? I thought not.
