Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Captain Capitalism" Ranked in "Top 100 Economic Sites"

Happy day economists and lieutenants!


  1. Enrique GP12:23 AM

    Hey Cap congrats,
    I wanted to ask you about college majors and how you advocate most STEMs. But I think one reviewer somewhere asked what do you think of 'pure'math and science, such as theoretical physics, mathematics alone... stuff people like Feynman, Einstein and the cast of the Big Bang Theory woked in...

  2. Congratulations sir! I liked how they called you 'comical' on that list. I see a nice mixture of Austrian, Keynesian, conservative, libertarian, and liberal economic blogs on that list so I can learn all the economic perspectives and arguments.

    What do you think of Greg Mankiw by the way? He wrote the AP Macroeconomics textbook that I read and took complete notes on all on my own last December. He seems to really advocate actually using MATH in economics even though he's a New Keynesian.

  3. beta_plus8:00 AM

    Don't be so modest, cap, you made the top 40!

    Assuming it's ranked within the list of course.


  4. Congrats! Don't get cocky kid!

  5. ChrisP8:03 AM

    Congratulations and it was earned and deserved.

  6. Anonymous9:07 AM


  7. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Well done, McCappy ... and dare I point out you did NOT win this accolade until AFTER you switched out of your hideously painful on the eyeballs design format of white type reversed out of a black background.

    Same great content, but MUCH more "readable" and BAM! ... you're now a big star. It's sort of like an average looking woman gets a HOT new makeover and BAM, every guy wants to nail her.

    EVERYTHING communicates SOMETHING, Cappy, and your former unlamented design scheme communicated "Cappy must be blind and/or wants to make the rest of us go blind."

    Thanks for being one of my fave must-read websites every single day ... keep up the great work.

    in Barrie, ON, Canada

  8. Yes, yes, of course. It was because I switched over formats! Mercy, my readers sometimes.

  9. Congratulations!

    ...and yes, your new format triggered a preference cascade.

  10. Aeoli Pera12:36 PM

    I wanted to ask you about college majors and how you advocate most STEMs. But I think one reviewer somewhere asked what do you think of 'pure'math and science, such as theoretical physics, mathematics alone... stuff people like Feynman, Einstein and the cast of the Big Bang Theory woked in...

    A BS will pay for itself, as will a master's degree, but there are too many PhDs on the market for that to pay off. Supply and demand.

    Unfortunately, I hear all the interesting, Einsteiny stuff happens post-doc. But that's a more competitive world than Feynman had to deal with (\cite{Murray and Hernstein}). Tier 1 grads (Harvard and MIT) are often found working at state colleges because there are so many of them. As far as research goes, tier 2 and 3 grads may as well not exist. They should expect to do bitchwork in a corporate office like everyone else.

    Well-paid bitchwork, because they know math, but bitchwork nonetheless. And a far cry from CERN. Adjust your job expectations according to the glut of STEM PhDs from MIT.

    Again, supply, meet demand. Oh, do you already know each other?

  11. sth_txs5:59 PM

    Greg Mankiw sucks as an economist. I wish I could find it again, but he wrote a blog post saying it would be a good idea for the banks or government to devalue your money you pull from an ATM as cash.

    So that $50, after set a period of time, might only be worth $20. Yes, an academic economists wrote this. Of course, he is not the only one.
