Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's Official - HR Can Be Replaced by Software

AND with equally sh#tty results!


  1. I really hit a nerve with my sister. I brought up the idea of going to a technical college and she got all defensive and told me all this pablum about how if I go to this "college" then I'm wasting my potential and then I told her about the experience I had with college over the summer and she said, "You are really frustrating me." Now I know firsthand why you can't argue with leftists, political science majors, or anyone majoring in fluff. They're so stuck in their ideology and bubble how they think the world works that they don't listen to people who have a dissenting, libertarian or conservative opinion like mine based in reality and real life observation. Sent her the video you made about college but I doubt she will listen and she thinks she's a moderate....

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I spent six years as a recruiter placing salespeople for software companies in the $30M-$100M annual revenue range and my average fee was $28K. I chose the smaller companies to avoid the red tape of the hiring process with the larger ones and sold the benefit of direct access to hiring managers as part of my service, typically the VP Sales.

    During the initial job order, I would spend no less than two hours interviewing the hiring managed with in depth questions about the position, company, expectations, requirement, growth, direction, future markets…if you can think of a question, I probably asked it. By the end of the interview I knew my client inside and out.

    But, inevitably, somewhere along the line, HR needed to be included and CC’d on all candidate information and interview schedules. Some of these HR people knew what their role was (benefits administrators and company/employee liaison) but there were several that thought they were recruiters…and ALWAYS some 20 something dingy chick who had absolutely no clue beyond the “title” what her company was looking for.

    Ok, for $28K I could deal with some under educated, snotty, know-it-all little bitch for 10 minutes a week. But when I had some insist on being directly involved in the interview process (mind you, my candidates were $250K+ earners, already successful seasoned professionals in their market) I knew I would never make that placement.

    These guys needed to be hard sold on the position and it’s benefits and given strong compelling reasons to make a career change. Not only would these dumb bitches chase these guys away with questions like what’s your favorite color or why did you leave xyz company (anyone in the industry except her knew that xyz company had folded) she would send them packing with a terrible perception of my client...her employer.

    I could go on for hours on this topic but TL;DR…HR is absolutely useless with regards to hiring the best candidates available and the software probably hits pay dirt with the same accuracy as these egotistical bimbos. I’m sure some HR professional reading this will hit me with the NAHRALT which we all know proves my point.

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    When software started to be used to grade college papers, it was time to leave. There's a reason why all academic writing looks the same!

  4. Take The Red Pill8:16 AM

    Yes, HR CAN be replaced by software.
    VERY CRAPPY software.
    And you get the same results!

  5. I haven't heard anything better on HR since reading "Up The Organization" by Robert Townsend (Of Avis - We Try Harder fame). He said of Personnel Departments Sack the lot of them. Sack them even faster if they call themselves a Human Resources Department.

  6. This article explains a lot. About four years ago I decided to leave my job and go back to engineering. It had been a few years so I was not up on any of the latest stuff they wanted. A year of filling out online job applications and never got a single callback, let alone interview. Fortunately I'm still enjoying my current career.
