Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How Far Would You Go to Avoid Math

You all know my theory about crusaderism and math.  Specifically how the hatred for math drives people to great lengths to avoid it at all costs.  The consequence is, absent of math, people cannot find real jobs and are incapable of accepting or identifying FACTS and TRUTH, allowing them (in western societies where they can afford such naivety) to live in La La Land.

Crusdadersim kicks in where the mathphobic has too big of an ego to admit, "I'm not worth much of anything.  I'm too lazy to learn a real skill." and accept their low and well-deserved level in society.  Instead they join political "crusades" not to champion whatever poor, noble cause they claim to, but instead for their own psychological benefit.

So imagine how afraid this woman is of math to go and join the FARC rebels in Colombia.  Anything to avoid learning math, hey sweetheart?  She's nothing but another Adam Qadahn.

"Mathphobic"...I like that term.


  1. Mike4311:35 AM

    In the world of educational disabilities, we're seeing literature concerning dyscalculus. We've had dyslexia, dysgraphia (writing), is starting to sneak in but dyscalculus?

    One of my professors in grad school predicted this 10 years ago. We had a huge chuckle.

  2. I can tell you this i would much rather learn Math than to fight for a cause in which i know nothing about. I think she decided to do this because maybe she led a very boring life and when she came to Colombia looking for adventure she came across the FARC. She say the guns and the tough dudes and got excited and joined. Mind you we all in this blog know that the FARC has murdered and kidnapped many innocent civilians as well as to be involved with the cartels in drug trafficking. Why would she be involved in that if she believed in social justice? I think she liked the fast life and guns. After all aren't women attracted to bad boys? Its the lifestyle and notoriety she is attracted to.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    How far they go to seek alpha males.

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    N.B. The article does not mention mathematics at all. Seems her sexist conservative upbringing led her to believe that her only options in life were marriage & kids or FULL COMMUNISM.

    Glad she's doing something worthwhile with her life myself.

  5. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Hi Captain,

    There's a story going around about some Harvard students who walked out of an Economics class because they felt the teacher was "biased," I want to read your take on it.


  6. Yes helping a rebel group that kidnaps and murders people to try and promote an ideology that has been demonstably proven to fail is a worthwhile use of her life.

  7. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I think the same thing applies to artists.

    And artist can draw a beautiful car/house/aircraft/etc. And then those boring engineers/architects/mathies get a hold of the drawing and something ...less artistic... comes out because once the materials science/physics and math is calculated the pretty drawing is garbage-ready. The structure, horsepower, wheels...are all have to work.

    Same is true of politics, the artists/politicians paint pretty pictures but eventually real laws have to be written and enforced and the picture is much less pretty. If the picture was particularly divorced from reality, the reality is usually bloody and violent.

  8. Sadly enough, her need for attention will paint a bulls-eye on her forehead assuming these talks fail.

    DynCorp probably pays a bonus for any HVT's like her that are dropped during raids.

  9. Herr Wilson4:08 PM

    I agree with you are saying in general. There is at least one notable exception, though: Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski

  10. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Captain, I gotta give it to you man... This piece is really hilarious and absolutely dead on... Just walk through any American University's liberal arts department now days e.g., Political Science and these are the type of people you will run into... A bunch of spoiled little arrogant, self-serving brats that like to hear the crack of their own voice yet offer absolutely nothing of value to society at all. The last laugh is on them though cuz good luck finding a real job with a company with those 'skills'.

  11. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Captain, I gotta give it to you man... This piece is really hilarious and absolutely dead on... Just walk through any American University's liberal arts department now days e.g., Political Science and these are the type of people you will run into... A bunch of spoiled little arrogant, self-serving brats that like to hear the crack of their own voice yet offer absolutely nothing of value to society at all. The last laugh is on them though cuz good luck finding a real job with a company with those 'skills'.

  12. Altimanix8:10 AM

    most social scientists / lyberals would drive eleventy-seven miles to avoid maths.

    or, seeing as they probably have no job, hitch-hike

  13. Are you sure you've got cause and effect right, here? Does being good at math get you a job, or does being *smart* make you both good at math and a good hire?

  14. Aeoli Pera6:26 PM



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