Friday, November 09, 2012

"I Am the State"

Koo koo kachoo.

Language warning - meaning don't be a child and complain.  Be an adult and exercise your right to choose.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    The ending, from 13:50 on, is priceless.

    Enjoy the decline my friend!

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Another great video...

    BTW, thought you may be interested that those Beatles lyrics are actually Goo goo g'joob. Not many people know that. No need to post my comment just a quick FYI and keep up the great work.

    Loyal Reader

  3. I've created the world's simplest bar graph to explain this to people in another way. Single vertical bar representing the total range of possible income from starving Ethiopian to George Soros. At some arbitrary place we put a line called the cost of living exactly equal to the poverty line. just above it we put a line Bob. Now we raise taxes, doesn't matter on who, which raises the COL on everybody and suddenly Bob's under the poverty line. QED.

    BTW I shared this video to facebook thank you.

  4. I am whole-heartedly enjoying the decline. I am tickled pink that Democrats took supermajorities in California-because then the ride will be even faster and more exciting.

    However, I have 3 children age 10-14 and I am trying to figure out how to handle/raise them. I have been explaining the Freedom vs Free stuff dichotomy. My 14 YO came home and said that when he argued with peers in school using that-some said that they want the gov't to take care of them so they don't have to do anything-this is a rural/red area of west-central Minnesota. So I am teaching him that that is the attitude of a slave.

    Yesterday, I was pondering how to raise my children in the Decline. I decided that I will be a success- ful parent that if (when?)things get Dr. Zhivago/Mao Bad that my children will be some of the first ones lined against the wall and they will be laughing the whole time.

  5. I am whole-heartedly enjoying the decline. I am tickled pink that Democrats took supermajorities in California-because then the ride will be even faster and more exciting.

    However, I have 3 children age 10-14 and I am trying to figure out how to handle/raise them. I have been explaining the Freedom vs Free stuff dichotomy. My 14 YO came home and said that when he argued with peers in school using that-some said that they want the gov't to take care of them so they don't have to do anything-this is a rural/red area of west-central Minnesota. So I am teaching him that that is the attitude of a slave.

    Yesterday, I was pondering how to raise my children in the Decline. I decided that I will be a success- ful parent that if (when?)things get Dr. Zhivago/Mao Bad that my children will be some of the first ones lined against the wall and they will be laughing the whole time.

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I would love to send this to some facebook friends, they didn't listen before, they won't now.....


  7. The comments on YouTube are hilarious. The lefties just hate the fact that you cannot force or shame logical, sentient beings into continuing to support an unsustainable economic model through their own hard work and productivity. It's so greedy! Now it's greedy to make LESS money!

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM


    A stogie, perhaps a glass of single malt, and some fine, well thought out discussion! Perhaps you are wealthier than those eeeeevil rich people Captain?

    I understand your feelings Captain - I have been right where you are now, and chances are I will be back there again sooner rather than later.

    But one of my other favourite economic pundits, Bill Whittle, has a suggestion about how to deal with this filthy development in American politics. He calls it 'The Common Sense Resistance' and it appeals to me far more than going Galt.

    Can you check him out and offer your two cents? I would be most interested in your thoughts - and perhaps one of those fine cigars, if you would be so kind...?

