Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Masters Degree in Pot


hat tip.


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Eh your being very reactionary. Marijuana is a highly valuable product that takes time and money to produce... especially a premium product.

    The product itself also has many uses, not the least of which is entertainment and recreation.

    This degree would be far more valuable to a student than womens studies or english literature. There are definitely techniques and skills to be learned about cannabis horticulture.

  2. Vicomte5:30 PM

    What is it about marijuana that creates this 'worship culture' around it?

  3. beerme5:48 PM

    anyone foolish enough to take something that worthless will soon be following in the footsteps of these geniuses.


  4. Stryker7:12 PM

    Hey, It's a booming sector of the economy out here in Cali. I know a lot of people making a decent living in the 'Green Industry.' Probably one of the few 'degrees' that can earn you some quick cash out here is a certificate from Oaksterdam Univ. in either Dispensary Management or Medical Marijuana Horticulture. It beats the hell out of an Ethnic Studies or Psychology degree. Or so I hear.

  5. Stryker7:17 PM

    Hey, it's a booming sector of thew economy out here in Cali. I know a number of people making good money in the 'Green Industry.' A certificate from Oaksterdam Univ. in Dispensary Management or Medical Marijuana Horticulture is probably a better bet than some worthless degree in Ethnic Studies or Psychology. Or so I hear.

  6. Anonymous7:42 PM

    It's waaay more useful to society than a lot of liberal arts degrees. Marijuana is a valuable crop that a lot of people want to buy.

  7. So now when they say they are getting a master's degree in partying, they might actually be serious?

  8. samseau8:19 PM

    Still more profitable than a Liberal Arts degree

  9. The First Joe11:37 AM

    Cannabis has various medical uses (pain relief, esp. for cancer patients, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis treatment).
    Hemp has a shit load of industrial (plastics, rope, paper, fibreboard) and nutritional (hemp seed oil, breads, cakes) uses.
    And people enjoy it recreationally.
    It's a PRODUCT that people WANT and NEED. That's GOOD economics.
