Sunday, November 25, 2012

Target: Swedish Feminism

Next time we have to save Europe, let's not save Sweden.

On a related note - the father could not be reached for comment (but thankfully the state is there for her)

On a related note, ladies, I want you to hear me and hear me well.  If a law like this EVER gets passed in the US, the guns are coming and the revolution will start. What irks me about the article is how the men in the article completely failed to reframe the debate and are thus lending credence to it by engaging these communists by coming up with pathetic rationales why then shouldn't have to pee sitting down.  They should be saying, "you just try it and see what happens."

On an unrelated note - HI-freaking-larious.  Language warning.  


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Swedish feminists want men to pee sitting down. They don't just want it, they want to pass a law to force men to pee sitting down.

    On the bright side, Sweden will implode in its own Tolerance/Diversity/Multiculturalism. It's only a matter of time before immigrants overrun the country and outbreed the natives.

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I'm acquainted with a still young Swedish guy.

    Like most Swedes he's arrogant about it. He's always talking about Vikings as if he was one, even though I thought he was gay the first 2 years I knew him.

    Still, he regularly talks about his ex's, many of whom have kids and are single moms and also how great their "free" healthcare is.
    He's completely oblivious to the fact that all his socialist joys are pissing his country away and a century from now no one will be talking about Vikings because all that will be there will be Arab refugees after they've run out the remaining gender-bender Swedes.

  3. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I want to make a list with all countries where feminism is a religion. Of course I want to include the religions and laws of other countries which are not based on feminism and through which women manipulated man.

    I think Sweden is number one. Lets make the list.
    A book which can help readers: the-manipulated-man.pdf can be found on torrents

  4. How can you make men pee sitting down. Even if you remove urinals, men will still pee while standing. Do they plan to put video cameras in the johns in order to enforce compliance?

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM

    If this law were to be passed and urinals removed, I'd just pee in the sink.

  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    This is why no one takes socialism seriously in the first world. So called "leftists" are more concerned with dumbass pet causes then actually raising up the working class.

  7. Actually, I'd welcome anyone campaigning for a 'pee sitting down' law.

    I mean, what greater proof could you possibly have that that there is no significant problems with global warming, racial strife, gender inequality, or any of the other leftist bugbears?

    If the biggest threat to life as we know it is pissing upright, that THIS is the most important use of your activist time, then we have every right to demand we never hear you open your mouth about 'Social Justice' and the like ever again.

    Also, we'd like our tax dollars that are underwriting all your grand schemes back now, as it's obviously mission accomplished.

  8. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Response to anonymous: There is absolutely no one in Sweden who want a law that says that guys have to sit down and pee. I am from Sweden and I'm very proud of my country. After all, we are one of the most consistent pledged land in the world. Sweden is not a country where you cant get married because you are gay, where you only have two weeks of vacation a year, or where you get less salary just because you are a woman.

    / swede

  9. Anon 836/Swede,

    You say NOBODY wants this law.

    Yet the article is clearly impying there are people trying to get this law passed.

    Who is lying?

  10. Swede nr.29:39 AM

    I will answer for swede, ok maybe its a few radicals. But they will never get it passed. 99% of the swedish population is against this.

    Im also from sweden, and even though we have our problems i can also say im proud of being swedish.

    I think you all have a false picture of how sweden is, you should come here and see for yourself!

  11. Oh, I wouldn't mind visiting Sweden. I don't hate it or anything. From the media I read it sounds like the government has taken over about 40-60% of the role of the man/husband in that country, and, if I am not mistaken, it has had an effect on marriage in the country. Namely less marriage.

    Unless I am reading biased news?

  12. I'm Swedish and I hate feminists. They disgust me and theres nothing more I enjoy than making fun of them. But let's be serious, you've never saved Sweden. One of the reasons why we're such a wealthy country (for now atleast, until multiculti completely destroys us) is because we sold metal to your enemies during the WW2.

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    There's something very rotten in our political parties. Feminism and discrimination against men are some of the greatest threats to our recently great nation, but the thing that will kill us in the end is socialism and the heavy burden of our new nobility. Nothing makes sense anymore...

  14. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Im from Sweden..and i am ashamed over whats going on in this country...can i move to America? Please!!!

  15. Mikael,

    Sure, if you want to suffer the exact same problems you're currently suffering now.

    That being said, I believe the feminists are about to lose some significant battles here in the future. Men are not marrying and women in their 30's are starting to notice.

  16. Hamstrn12:26 PM

    Or we'll just see all the women in their thirties be mistresses for successful males. Welcome back stoneage sociology! Alpha males gets all the women...

  17. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I'm a Swedish guy. And i'm sick of these insane politics taking over. Feminism, gender, multiculti etc.
    Most people in Sweden don't agree to gender bullshit. The party "feminist initiative" recieved around 2% of the votes. 65% of the Swedes want much less immigration.
    But this little elite sitting in the Riksdag thinks diffenrently. And these things are never debated because the politicians are weak. The only party doing any thing about it is the Sweden Democrats, the only real conservative party in Sweden. They are growing fast and gives me hope for the future.
    I just want to say, don't judge all swedes for this, these politics is not our wish.
    Best wishes from Sweden

  18. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Another fun thing that happened this year in Sweden was that we eradicated he and she, and made a neutral form; heshe, s/he, Zie or whatever. The Swedish words are Han and Hon, now it is Hen... Even the newspapers use it. :)

  19. 😃 Yes indeed our fine country of Sweden is going down the drain and fast! Goddamn feminists and communists!
