Friday, November 09, 2012

The Gay Shock Is Over

Attention Hollywood, MSM, universities and the arts.

The "gay shock value" is officially down to 0.

Yes, yes, I know, it's hard to believe that after 30 years of having it shoved down our throats, when you throw in a "gay" angle in a movie or a show, it is no longer;


No, it's quite bland and overdone.

You see, I was in Arizona earlier this year visiting my best friend who happens to be gay.  He is also an artist and a real one, not one of those minimalist connected trust fund babies who have no skill.

All that being said he is definitely eclectic and took me and one of his friends to an independent film - "Farewell to the Queen."

It was the worst movie I had seen in years.  I would have left early, but my friend and his friend were hoping it would get better.

It didn't.

But hey, there was no lack of innuendo that MAYBE THE QUEEN OF FRANCE WAS (GASP!!!)


Wow, zinger.  Shocking.

When the queen kissed her assistant.

Yeah, nobody flinched.

The movie suddenly ended, implying that the shocker was that "there was a possibility" the queen of France was gay.  That was the whole freaking point of the movie.

So for all of you who are in the creative arts industries, could you drop the gay thing already?

Most of us accept gay people.  Most of us befriend gay people.  Most of us don't bat an eye at people being gay.

Please come up with something else to be "shocking" and "cutting edge."  30 years of this one trick pony is tiresome.


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    What would be shocking is a white family with no significant causes. Just a married couple with 3 kids, a dog, and dayjobs.

  2. A dreadful feeling is developing in me, and that is that pedophilia/pedophiles will become the cause du jour.

    The ROI in special interest groups is becoming more marginal every year. Soon there will be no one left to cry about, until "born this way" becomes a reason to accept all crime and mayhem committed by the poor, misunderstood monsters who want to prey upon your children.

    After pedos, cannibals. After cannibals, those who practice infanticide. Really, it's just CULTURE, we shouldn't be afraid of it.

  3. Anonymous4:43 AM

    "After pedos, cannibals. After cannibals, those who practice infanticide."

    Too late. Infanticide is already creeping towards "normalization" in many countries, like Canada.

    The penalty is now a maximum of 5 years, but in reality is much lower. They had to do this because babies were increasingly not seen as worthy of "real" murder charges.

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    It's not doing the whole gay thing that's overdone. It's that Hollywood seems to want it to be a character trait and/or storyline on its own. And that, in and of itself, is more condescending than anything else.

    So, howzaboutit, Hollywood? Make decent films, with decent storylines, characters with depth...and sexual orientation as one characteristic of many, and an unimportant one at that?

  5. Here's an area where video games have, for the most part, far surpassed Hollywood.

  6. Look.
    Someone has to keep the "war" on gays going.

    And, if it has to be the gays, then dammit! The gays will keep up the fight!

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I don't care for the eccentric behaviours that seem to go along with the gay lifestyle and agenda. I sure as hell don't care for their loud, ignorant self proclaimed spokespeople either. I agree with the lady above - the same people that pushed homosexuality at us (and are still doing it today) - are testing the waters for pedophilia.

    Call me a homophobe, I could care less. I will not hang out with homos, socialists, or feminists and my life is much better for it.

    Just sayin'.

  8. "Just a married couple with 3 kids, a dog, and dayjobs."

    Sounds like a real freakshow.

  9. Here's a script idea so shocking and edgy that you'd be shot on sight if you ever showed your face in Hollywood again: Some horrible crime is committed, everyone thinks the black guy did it, and it turns out...


  10. There actually a lot of great gay films being made the trick is like everything else it's being made by gay artist not Hollywood. For instance The Weekend 2011 indie film. Hoping for Hollywood to lead the way in anything new or ground breaking is silly. The most you can hope is for them to give the power to groups to make their own movies the way they'd want to make them and realize there's a profit in that. It took them a while to realize that nerds like Joss Whedon should be making comic book block busters like The Avengers

  11. There actually a lot of great gay films being made the trick is like everything else it's being made by gay artist not Hollywood. For instance The Weekend 2011 indie film. Hoping for Hollywood to lead the way in anything new or ground breaking is silly. The most you can hope is for them to give the power to groups to make their own movies the way they'd want to make them and realize there's a profit in that. It took them a while to realize that nerds like Joss Whedon should be making comic book block busters like The Avengers
