Monday, November 19, 2012

The Men Liberal Women Get to Choose From

Sorry guys, this is a must.  You don't have to read it, you just have to look at the title and the picture below it and it says everything.

hat tip


  1. Mmmm, scrumptious...I'm guessing they probably come with a side of bacon and butter too.

    I could never date a liberal. Honestly, not even hate sex either.

  2. Dreamer2:44 PM

    Anyone want to tell me why the successful engineering team Obama hired kicked ass while evidently did not take care of eating well... While Romney's team evidently know to how talk really encouraging (though marketing type) speeches and did complete crap?

    It definitely conforms to the stereotype. I can tell they are sporting a type of look. The shirts, piercings, and beards shows a subculture with its own type of thinking rather than being unkempt because they just don't care about looks. The thing that perplexes me is man is most of them in bad shape. You don't get that bad just eating and not exercising without really eating poorly not moving. A few perhaps, but not most of the team.

    Yet, if you look at them, it's not like they have no look. They do. The beards and piercing are there are a reason. There's effort there. So this perplexes me. To be exact, I'm in software industry myself. I have no desire to let myself go that bad (or pierce my ears in anyway, but that's different from eating that many cheeseburgers without any workout).

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Never underestimate the attractiveness of a nerd with a big income.

    Again, at a certain (high) level of technical ability, alphaness is shown by contempt for conventional dress and grooming codes (and for bathing), among other things.

    I am afraid that you misread the signs in this photo.

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Remember the story of Bill Gates, when he was probably only a multimillionaire, at a computer conference? He dropped into a bar, saw an attractive woman more or less in the keeping of a company president - but of a small company. Gates walked up to her and asked her if her friend owned a jet. He didn't. "I do", Gates said. She left with him.

  5. Herr Wilson7:17 PM

    Image the red hot love they must sex they must have, though. Males with tits but no balls making love to man-hating women with boy haircuts. Steamy, eh? Retch

    The weird thing is: that the feminists who date these losers will end up cheating with alphas. Because no woman really wants a castrated man. You can't escape nature, ladies.

  6. I'd read that article. I'd like to see Roissy do a post on this one. You just know those guys were omega as shit in their day.

  7. Anonymous8:14 PM

    these guys are kewler

  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    And Obama then...hugs them. How endearing.

  9. Anonymous3:26 AM

    "Remember the story of Bill Gates,"

    Source please

  10. The guy's face when Obama is hugging him is absolutely spot-on.


  11. What I don't understand is why tech entrepreneurs would be so obsessed with the re-election of one of the most anti-business presidents in American history.

    It seems to me that any kind of business entrepreneur would support pro-free market, pro-business politicians. There is something missing from this story.
