Monday, November 12, 2012

The Speech I Shall Deliver to the Left

When it all comes crashing down, I will be delivering this speech to the left.  Of course, if I'm dead  by that time, perhaps you guys can just play this on repeat for me instead:


  1. OMFG I was channeling the same speech! BoB marathon out here.

    "You ignorant servile scum..."!!

  2. Most of the liberal left would be clueless regarding this clip. It's beyond them. Thus any form of "I told you so" when hell comes for a visit will be just as equally lost and useless. And the conservative, the responsible, the disciplined members of society will still be the ones the libtards blame for all that is wrong. As the comedian said..."you can't fix stupid".

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Hey, Aaron, are you at all familiar with Dr. Adrian Krieg? He wrote a great article called "It's Over" about the election, and you can read it here:

    What I thought was, it sounds like what you've been writing: in fact I spent a while trying to figure out if he was copying your stuff on the sly. Dr. Krieg is totally calling out the folks who are sheeplike ruining the country, and predicting the exact course of the decline to come.

    I would really like to see a post here talking about Dr. Krieg's ideas and hearing where your ideas are different and where you think a rescue for the real America will come from.

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    The hero of all mankind will be the one who finds the cure for liberalism!

  5. Anon 649,

    Havewn't heard of him, but I doubt he's plagiarizing. There IS a ryhme and reason to economics. People who thinnk logically will come to the same conclusions.

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM

    That's good but I might first drop this on them.

    Then this one

  7. I finally got a chance to watch Band of Brothers, and I totally agree. Like you, I will be asking my own versions of "WTF were you thinking?" when it all comes crashing down.
