Sunday, November 25, 2012

You Learn Something from Video Games Afterall


  1. taterearl5:33 AM

    I did learn something...all those hours I wasted playing Mario, I should have just let Bowser keep the Princess.

  2. High-maintenance bitches ruin it for everyone.

  3. coolstud8:11 AM

    Damn, BOY learn this. Always be a lover, never a provider.

  4. 'Reality' Doug8:56 AM

    Great find, captain! Your less sucky bubble analysis is right on too. Furgive my tiepoz, to all the self-righteous, coddled nitwits that can't think in terms of ideas.

    And I thought Studio JOHO was co-opting the anti-crony capitalism sentiment to sneakily inculcate socialist globalism:

    1) Animated monologue of John Perkins by Studio JOHO

    2) Socialist establishment solution to crony establishment problem per John Perkins.

    John used to have on his website a list of maybe 10 changes to make, activist things to do, and many were outright socialist-globalist tactics.

  5. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Holy crap!

    That was probably the best YouTube video I've seen in years!

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    For some reason I am reminded of my son. A few years ago, he had a shoot-em-up video game, where he was stuck with a female partner.

    Always, the instant the game started, he put a bullet through her head. She never suspected a thing. Then, he would laugh his A-off, and go on with the game.

    He said he always got more points with her dead then the usual way.

    Anonymous age 70

  7. Anonymous2:30 AM

    So, Marriage 2.0 is just a game after all...
