Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tickity Tock, Ladies

How's that lefty "perception is reality" working for ya?

Enjoy that freaking decline!


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    This is what I really call Darwinism at its finest. At least those that will never procreate because they listened to the lies told them will not be able to pass on their idiot genes.

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Invest stock in cat food.

  3. My sister is nearly 44 and thinks she will be able to have kids naturally too (she's never had a child), largely because our mom had me at 38. I'm not so optimistic, though she's my sister and I do want the best for her...

    I blame Oprah for brainwashing a lot of these women into thinking they can conceive with no problems at much older ages. I even look at fertility levels for women my age and they're not as good as they are when you're at your peak around 22.

  4. Nature can be very cruel to those who go against it. Here is another good read.

  5. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Tick tock-tock!

    Falling like a rock!

  6. beta_plus4:07 PM

    Tickety, rickety, tock
    The hamster ignored the clock.
    The clock struck done,
    The hamster frowned.
    Tickety, rickety, tock

  7. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Some women don't meet men they want to have kids with until later. I have a couple of OB docs in the family, and it's not unusual for them to see women in their 40's who are having kids. It does happen and often enough to give people hope, I guess.

    Both women and men have trouble in the dating game, so sometimes people start families later.

  8. Chaos Cow8:20 AM

    Look at profiles of women 38-46 on any dating site and you will see a vast majority of them say they want children. Holy Crap!! Seriously? Just what every man desires...child support payments starting in their 40's. I simply cannot imagine why these ladies have a difficult time finding a "good man".

    I looked forward to my 40's where women didn't want children anymore and an Ooops was less of a concern. I was apparently wrong and see a vasectomy in my very near future.
