Friday, January 18, 2013

Enjoy the Decline

Currently in the Canadian Rockies having a meeting with a bunch of Canadian and American bloggers.  This is how you enjoy the decline.


  1. Nice view. Reminds me of north-west Montana.

  2. I hope I will still have indoor plumbing and electricity when society collapses, but I don't see how I am going to manage that.

    maybe an RV with a septic system and a big cistern to catch rain water? then it's just a matter of getting propane for gas (shouldn't be too hard) and maybe refined fuel for a generator (more rare and therefor valuable, so I better not waste it).

  3. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Looks almost like Canmore. Or at least around that area.

  4. Goddamn, I wish I could've been there.

    Have an extra shot of Rumpie for me, Cap'n.

  5. Chris Davidson5:25 PM

    I just came to this site from you tube(aurini talked about you a while back) to buy three copies of worthless to send to my sibling's kids. Then I find out you are probably 2 0r 3 ranges over from me. So I'm shouting out from the Monashee's in central bc. Have an awesome time in the mountains.
