Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Aaron Clarey Show - Prototype

Greetings all.  Here's the first/prototype podcast of "The Aaron Clarey Show."  I'll be experimenting with different recording devices, platforms, etc., until I kind of "perfect the art" thus, your harsh and crushing criticism is welcomed.

THe link above will take you to "" which is the online storage service I am using.  You can download the MP3 by clicking on the "download" button on the top right of the linked page.


  1. You're out of bandwidth already.

  2. Box says you're out of bandwidth.

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Must be popular. I tried to download it, but it says your out of bandwith.

  4. It does allow streaming. I've enjoyed watching your videos on YouTube. This format, especially once you get an RSS feed, will make it more portable.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "The user hosting this content is out of bandwidth."


  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Out of bandwidth already???

  7. ChrisP10:35 AM

    I like this. Something for me to listen to while I'm working hard for my family and not enjoying the decline.

    I am enjoying your book about enjoying the decline though. =)

    Similar to how I enjoy the discussion on the manosphere even though I plan on staying married so most of it doesn't really apply to me anymore.

  8. I just tried it right now and it seemed to come through. Maybe if we all don't hit it at once.

  9. ChrisP12:15 PM

    Download button gave me the bandwidth message but the play button worked just fine.

  10. Traditional Wife1:15 PM

    No problem with playback. Do eliminate most background noise - the smart phone has a sensitive microphone.

    Would suggest a rough outline of subject matter. Rambling/ranting can be entertaining, but doesn't always hold listeners' attention.

    The successful podcasts I listen to email out their "agenda" with the link. I love it when they mark the segment beginnings so I can jump to them if I want to listen again or share.

    Hope that was helpful. :)

  11. Blake1:22 PM

    Good stuff... keep it up.

  12. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The user hosting this
    content is out of bandwidth.

    You can listen, but not download.

  13. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Enjoy the Decline!

  14. Good podcast, I enjoyed the easy listening. Maybe for next time: more advice for young writers?

  15. Erasmus12:26 AM

    Cappy, I'm curious what your plans for retirement are. Is it something you can explain in one of your posts or a youtube video?

  16. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I was unable to listen on my iPhone - there was no Flash player, just the download link which led to an out-of-bandwidth message. My suggestion? Something other than

  17. I'm enjoying the decline of available bandwidth.

    Consider hosting on Google Docs. You can share the file with a URL.

  18. Thanks for plugging the Glorious Hat!

  19. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Now I can download this one easily.

  20. deuce7:12 AM

    Longtime reader, first time comment! I just finished "Enjoy the Decline" and sent a copy to my father.

    Really enjoyed the maiden broadcast of the show, right in line with your YouTube videos which I've always enjoyed. If this takes off, do you think you'll use iTunes for your podcasts?

    Keep up the good work, mein Kapitan!
