Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today's Term is "Gaslighting"

And it describes modern art perfectly.


  1. Thanks for this one, Cap. He speaks to a truth I've been trying to put into words for a while.

  2. Anonymous7:02 PM

    just curious what you think of avant guard jazz like miles davis's bitches brew...

  3. Ryan Fuller12:43 AM

    The suggestion that awful art is being promoted to make corporate advertizing more appealing by comparison is just a bit crazy.

    Personally I think that bad art is being promoted because people want to pretend that they "get it" on some deeper level than other people. The winner in such a case is the person who can convince others that they see meaning and value in the most pointless, shallow, and meaningless works of "art" imaginable. The guy who can stop and stare in rapt fascination at a steaming dog turd on the sidewalk has just got to be profound, right?

  4. Erasmus1:42 AM

    By supporting the leftist, socialist, and communist postmodern artists the government is lobbying itself for a bigger government.

    Whenever I see something which on the surface doesn't make sense, like postmodern art, I blame the government. I don't think I've been wrong yet.

  5. Quartermain8:11 AM

    Spengler's article "Admit it - you really hate modern art" is great too.

  6. Technology has rendered most classical art forms obsolete or irrelevant.
