Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What Every 14 Year Old Boy Needs to Hear

Men, you need to take your sons (14 years old or not, every male really needs to read this) and make them read this.

I'm not even going to dissect it on account it should be painfully clear what you and your sons should pull from this.  And trust me, you will save your sons an immeasurable amount of pain and grief in the future showing them this and explaining it to them rather than letting them go into the meat grinder uninformed.


  1. It was incredibly painful, both because of her narcissim but also because of her sheer stupidity, to read as well the other that I pulled up from the comments.

    Sounds like one of those girls that ends up at planned parent hood wanting an STD test, and having hysterics because she didn't think she would have to pay. -True story by the way. My GF was getting some b-control and she had to sit there and listen to this girl throw a tauntrum for 20 mins or so.

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to American women, to quote War Games, the only way to win is not to play. Their narcissism, superficiality, materialism, and complete contempt for intelligence, hard work, intellectual curiosity, or kindness leaves a sick feeling in my stomach even after the most minor interactions. Don't date them, don't befriend them, don't try to charm or impress them. Keep all interactions curt and frank. Marry a foreign woman - it's amazing how racist these supposedly progressive women get when they realize you've done this. Hell hath no fury ...

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    When that girl hits the wall alone and ugly at age 39, it's going to make a glorious mess. Like a really fat bug hitting a windshield at 80mph.

  4. This story is disgusting. I guarantee in 10-15 years (I don't know her age, so maybe even earlier) she'll be alone and asking "where are all the good men?"

    I don't feel sorry for girls who play these games (emphasis on the word "girls" because they aren't women). They deserve what they get. Money is a plus, whether it's yours or his (or both), but it never should be the basis for any relationship.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If Obama had a son, he should read this too.


  6. ARoss9:39 AM

    I'm surprised she even gets attention as she looks like a manlier version of Fran Drescher.

  7. Enjoy the decline grrrrllsss10:31 AM

    Leftist Women are worse!

    Shirley you must have heard:

    "Women are often promoted to jobs at organisations which have become a “lost cause”, according to Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund."


    I do not know wht they bothered hounding the last guy out through an FRA just to put this blame averse individual waster in charge instead

  8. larfitup10:36 AM

    Even funnier


    Mr 75% tax on teh riche is in teh merde

  9. larfitup11:00 AM


    the comments are a treat...

  10. taterearl11:23 AM

    Another example for the haters...

    Game > Money

  11. I found this comment particularly amusing: "Oh it could be alot of fun! But it does show major insecurity and lack of how to approach women."

    Seems to me that he knows *exactly* how to approach women, or at least this one. He's getting what he wants after all.

  12. I found this comment particularly amusing: "Oh it could be alot of fun! But it does show major insecurity and lack of how to approach women."

    Seems to me that he knows *exactly* how to approach women, or at least this one. He's getting what he wants after all.

  13. There are plenty of narcissistic self-absorbed foreign women who are trying to forget that they're not actually living as a 'sex and the city' character... they're smart enough not to brag about it, though. Gah, American women...

  14. As anonymous said, too, once you marry a foreign woman, it's shocking how many liberal-minded female 'friends' assume she's either fishing for a green card or you're looking for a submissive sex slave with no spine. Incredible fountains of racism were spouted when my former college 'friends' met my wife.

  15. I didn't need to read that because I am already aware of what the average woman is like, but yeah all other men and boys should read this.

  16. Blissfully Black7:16 PM

    Here's what I don't understand. Why is it okay for a man to want to be with a woman SOLELY because she's attractive? But when said attractive woman likes the man for SOLELY one thing, then there's a problem. It's okay for you to go for looks but we have to go for personality? He wouldn't have said all that stuff if he didn't want to get in her pants. That's the whole point of the post. The guy is trying too hard.

  17. Erasmus2:02 AM

    I bet he has no money. Maybe a credit card and a timeshare in Florida.

    Who's playing who?

  18. Anonymous6:09 AM

    What's the point of blaming the woman here? Did you see the comments? They were all criticizing the guy about about how that's all he has to offer..
    The guy has no game...He is offering money and she is taking it..Simple transaction...I don't think anyone here comes out looking morally superior..

  19. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Thats true women have crazy hamster logic lol check out this link posted in the comments.


    similar story but much more in depth to the logic of women

  20. Anonymous9:15 PM


    One of the funniest descriptions of AW I have seen in a long time. And, much of the reason it's so funny is because he is not joking.

    Fred, as I am, is married to a Mexican woman and lives in Mexico.

    Anonymous age 70

  21. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I read her posting differently. She made it clear, at least at first, that they had considerable personal rapport.

    Anonymous age 70

  22. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I went on her blog to read the article and there was an update post on how the date went on. As expected it didn't go very well because "He wanted me to put out before showing the money" hehe.

    So I wrote in the comments (where every other fatty had written "you go grrrrrrrrllll" and things of that sort: "Perhaps he thought you'd put out on first date like every other fatty". And guess what. She moderated it.

    Calling an independent, strong woman what she is (a fatty) is the easiest and the most reliable way to get under her skin.

  23. Yeah, you got me! I'm rethinking this whole independent, strength thing now. What would I have done without you?

    Your comment was awaiting moderation, not moderated out. I love it when 'intellectuals' make insightful and discerning comments like 'you're a fat whore'. What genius comments from you and all your friends. I hope you didn't hurt all your big brain cells coming up with these elementary school level insults. Thanks for getting off your high horses to come play with a degenerate like me. Welcome to the gutter. I hope you enjoy the view.

    For the record, the fattie comment didn't get under my skin. It's your above comment and the alleged 'logic' that independent equal fat, and that calling a woman fat is such a hurtful insult. It's not even creative or clever. I am truly insulted by the lack of imagination of comments submitted to my post.

    It warms my heart that there's a group of sweet, gracious men out there concerned with the happiness and well-being of modern women, I'm glad that you all are doing something heroic about it, one anonymous comment at a time.

    Thanks guys! With such manly great thinkers in the world like you, who needs independent thinking women? I've learned my lesson now.

  24. I agree, every boy and man should read this post as a cautionary tale! You wanna feed a girl bs and promises instead of just being secure with yourself and your manhood, then BEWARE, especially of b!*ches like me.
