Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'm (Technically) a Dirty, Filthy, Jew

Swear there are too many stupid people on this planet.


  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    A Jew who isn't going to reproduce? Makes you one of the good ones as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Stupid people that apparently share our hatred for socialism, radical feminism, and progressive idiocy. I think you and I would be part of the centre-right, while those morons who attacked you for that video you made about not wanting to have children seem like they're either far-right or anarchists, another common theme I've noticed in this 'AltRight' movement that people lump you in. The Internet has done a lot to attract and turn people onto these esoteric fringe groups that otherwise wouldn't have been able to exist if it weren't for websites like YouTube. A lot of them really get along and like Aurini, so I guess they must know about you through him and his YouTube channel.

    I wouldn't worry too much about what they think of you and your videos just because you came out with that tidbit of information.

  3. I also recall the fact that you've talked about your vasectomy decision many times on this blog and even in some of your YouTube videos and I recall that those same people who were attacking you didn't say a single word about your position then, even though I suspect that they didn't really know about you then or sort of heard of you via Aurini's channel. I think that "I Am The State" video you put out a while ago propelled you into their inner circle for whatever reason. I've also noticed that there have been new YT users joining who have white nationalist beliefs who probably weren't familiar with you or your blog. They acted so surprised when you made that video.

  4. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Why do animal testing when there are so many kkk scumbags?

  5. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Jews talk openly about their own demographics, or the demographics of Japan or Singapore, or the population of baby seals of Canada, etc. But the slow genocide that is happening to white nations is off limits. They've already decided that whites do not exist anymore.

  6. Technically, you are only Jewish under National Socialism standards, assuming Mom or Grannie converted to Christianity prior to your birth. I have been told by (actual practicing) Jewish friends that the matralineal descent rules of Judaism have their basis in determining membership in the historic tribes and not the religion per se.

    Which is kinda humorous when you consider who seem to be the ones most offended by your claim of religious quasi-affiliation. The only people who really used the standard you're applying to yourself actually were Nazi, racist, bigot, homophobes.

  7. LOL.

    You're not doing it right, Cap.

    "You are a dirty, filthy eeeeeeeeevil Joooooo...." Say it properly!!!

    Please remember to reward your loyal zionist lickspittles and pig-dogs here on your blog as you personally engineer the final and utter collapse of the world economy for your own profit!

    Spread the wealth Captain!

  8. This reminds me of that old Jerry Springer episode where the KKK guy was on and he told Jerry how much he loved him and his show. Then Jerry pointed out that he is a Jew and the guy basically said "Well then I don't like you anymore, Jerry!"
